I’m introducing the book Salt: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky, this book, provides information about all the benefits of salt, dating way back to 800B.C., where records of salt were found in China, and shows you the details of economical, religious areas, finally ending the book talking about the famous saltworks we see nowadays.
Mark Kurlansky magnifies every event involved with salt, no matter small or large, salt was always important within the history of mankind, but do we recognize what nature provides us? All the resources to make every single little thing used in our daily life, comes from nature, it starts to allow the living to thrive. Salt: A World History, provides you with an abundance of interesting facts, and can entice you to continue to read through the many events it shows to you.
What nature can do varies from surviving, to supporting the religious needs of some, Egyptians noticed that the salty sand of a desert preserved dead bodies” The dry, salty desert sand protected them, and this natural desert phenomenon held the rudiments of an idea about preserving flesh.”. It is already interesting to know that the properties of a desert can preserve bodies, but it shows more of the importance of the inspiration nature gives to people, which allows civilizations to grow. While salt, was also the most important aspect of the preservation of food, salted fish was an example of success to bring preserved food onto the worldwide market, “To control herring and salt was to control northern economies.”, being such an important aspect of an economy, preservation, also started from the observation on nature. Dairy products such as butter and cheese, were developed through the observation of animals. “The Romans made a tremendous variety of cheeses, with differences not only from one area to another but from one cheese maker to another”, it was the accidental observation of curdled milk that was found on the skin of the cows, that led to the dairy products.
Salt: A World History is a great book, not only does it bring you into historical events that range from economical areas, to cultural preferences, you also get to see the advancement of technology through the impacts of nature over humans. Or, maybe you just want to understand the old recipes of the salty products we see present, for a food lover, this book would still be a decent pick, with multiple recipes, interesting facts, and key pieces of an event, I’d rate this book a 4 stars out of 5.
January 21, 2021 at 4:28 pm
I really liked the way how you introduced the theme through the lens of nature; the fact that nature could act as both a resource and an inspiration was interesting.
January 22, 2021 at 6:31 am
I thought your topic was very interesting and made many points about different sections of the book, next time just make sure your mic can pick up your voice 🙂
January 23, 2021 at 6:51 am
I like how you cut into the topic and the way you introduce the topic, however sometimes you stop too sudden, it would be better if you paused in a different place.