Sunny is a weird looking dragon, she always believe that she and her friends are part of the prophecy. All types of dragons are starting a war and Sunny believes that she and her friends Tsunami, Star flight, Clay and Glory can stop it. It was said that the dragonets of the prophecy can save the war. Sunny was captured by the Night Wings when glory queen of the Rain Wings was having a speech , the Night Wings believed that she was special ad part of the prophecy and so captured her and they see every single move that glory is making. They are using the obsidian mirror. The three sisters are fighting for the throne after queen Oasis died, Blister, Blaze and Burn. The Night wings are planning to give sunny to Blister but they met sunny’s mom on the way, and one of them died sunny is reunited with her mom! Sunny finds another way to stop the war, the queen of the sand wings will rule the Sand Wings all with the Eye of Onyx , while the other two will die the last one will survive. She finds the Eye of Onyx led by a scavenger that was nice. She finds the treasure of the Sand Wings, the Eye of the Onyx and passes it to her mother thorn, Blister was angry she always thought she’d be queen, she stole the Eye of Onyx but died since the Eye of Onyx killed the un-rightful owner.

Sunny looks weird, she has yellow brown scales and a weird looking head that belongs to a Night Wings since her dad is a Night Wing and her mom is a Sand Wing. She is skinny and eats less than every dragon she met.

The connection between she and I is that I eat less than most people and that I’m pretty skinny and I have lots of friends I like to stay together with such as; Selma, Sophie, Lydia, Lily, Isabelle. I remember times when I dared to do things that were pretty scary although I have not been captured.