Marco and his team can morph to different animals with this special clothing, on TV one day they saw a Velco being captured by there enemy, the Yeerks, the Velco’s name was Mertil and is Gafinilian’s best friend. They found a Andalite that can morph, he’s called Gafinilian, and he has a disease called the Soola’s disease that weakens him and can be cured by a lllsipar root, and Gafinilain drank it and offered Ax it too!
Marco and his friends found this out when Marco pretended to be a bee by morphing into one, Marco told all he saw about what Gafinilian was doing and reported to Axmill and that’s how the team knew that Gafinilian most likely had the Soola’s disease. Gafinilain wanted another andalites body to help mertil, and so Jake marco’s friend pretended to be the prince of Andalites. Marco and his friends finally understood why Gafinilian needed a body of a morphing Andalite.
They went to rescue Mertil when they battled off guards of Mertil’s prison, Marco got hurt and lost in this truck where mertil is stuck in so he used his thoughts to contact his friends, he told them to get out of the truck. And then the truck crashed, Marco turned to a gorilla scaring of the guards by banging on his chest like King Kong and then Gafinilian in Andalite form teared the truck apart and finally rescued Mertil. Mertil was very grateful but, Mertil didn’t have morphing powers and was hurt more than Gafiniian was.
Character: Marco is a boy, he has the morphing technology and fights the Yeerks and Works with Axmill (Ax) Rachel, Jake, Tobias and Cassie.
Connections: He has a normal life just like most humans on the world and like me, but he has magical powers that I dream of (Morphing powers) , he has friends at school just like how I have my friends to play with at school.
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