
Glory and her friends, the dragonets of destiny Sunny, Star Flight, Clay, Tsunami and Webs a dragon that was dragged along with them went in the rainforest, Glory was a Rain wing, but stayed with Scarlet, the queen of Sky Wings but Glory chose to go to the rainforest and look for her tribe. The current queen of the Rain wings is Magnificent. Most dragons in the rain wing tribe don’t want to be queen so when one of them wants to be queen they become it. But, the queen before Queen Magnificent was the queen: Dazzling  she disappeared mysteriously. Glory and her friends were walking in the rainforest when Sunny suddenly disappeared! Then one by one they all did, Sunny first then Webs, then Clay did too right after Tsunami disappeared, but that was enough for Glory to figure out what was happening. Before Glory and Star Flight could disappear, they hid. Glory knew they were Rain Wings like her that could change the colour of their scales anytime. She shouted for them to come out, and they did. the Rain wings were Liana and Jambu and a few others. When Jambu took them to the Rain wing tribe Glory has asked him how do Rain wings see which eggs are their own eggs? Jambu said that Rain Wings raise them altogether, you do not know who is your mother or father. But Jambu showed her a trick, he spit his venom on a leaf and instructed glory to hit the exact same spot, miraculously she hit the same spot and Jambu’s venom stopped spreading. Jambu was very excited since only if your in the same family, your venom can stop your other family members. When Glory found out about the missing dragons, she immediately set of in search for them. She was still thinking about her venom shooting when she got hit in the back of her head and woke up in a cave.


Glory is a Rain wing, has a sloth pet, very adventurous, brave and caring.


I would be as adventurous as Glory if there was a case of missing people I would want to help search for them. And if I could camouflage I would certainly practice my skills on venom shooting and stopping my feeling to take over my scales.


I think the theme of this story is to tell you: never give up when your in danger, be strong. Help others and everything is important, be careful at anytime.