Star flight found himself in a cave where all the Night wings are, he saw the prophecy maker Morrow seer who said the prophecy about the five dragons who will save the war and they are the dragonets of prophecy, they are: Sunny the Sand wing, Clay the Mud wing, Glory the Rain wing, Tsunami the Sea wing and Star flight the Night Wing. Glory just became the new queen of the Rain wings and was planning to save her prisoners from the Night wing secret hide out where a lot of Night wings are who captured 14 Rain wings, Glory plans to attack using the Rain wings venom and save the prisoners which included the other Rain wing queen: Dazzling. Star flight was looking around when he saw Morrow seer in front of him, Morrow seer showed him how they hunt and how they train, Morrow seer makes other dragonets fit in the prophecy by forcing them not because they were born for the prophecy, Star flight tried convincing Morrow seer but he would not listen but when his Night wing friend Fate speaker gets into a fight Morrow seer said to start he pushes a dragonet under the lava which kills the dragon. After days on the island Star flight finds out that the volcano the Night wings live in are to hot for creatures to live on this island, which means less creatures there are for the dragons to kill and that means the Night wings will starve soon.
Star flight escapes from the island with his friend Fate speaker as they go back to his friends Sunny, Glory, Clay and Tsunami and he sees the Night wing queen who got hit with frost breath down her throat, she swims in the lava without dying since the heat balances the cold inside her by the frost breath, When glory knew about what Star flight saw she immediately called on the Rain wings to attack on the Night wings to bring the lost dragons back but Rain wings never use venom on dragons, they do not know how to fight, so Star flight came up with a great idea which was to use sleeping darts at the guards, they would sleep and the Rain wings could attack on the Night wings and bring the prisoners of the Night wings back. Star flight brought Glory to the Night wing queen which knew of Glory, the only Rain wing who knows how to fight. Greatness the princess of the Night wings begged them to let the Night wings live. So Glory requested for a trade, she lets the Night wings make her be their queen then she allows to help the Night wings but Battle winner the current queen refuses with great determine but then when she came out the lava the volcano erupted… everyone fled Glory brought all the Rain wings prisoners out and everyone flew away from the volcano, off of the island, the Night wings heard about the speech Glory said and were so relieved that they could live in the rain forests with the Rain wings to eat fruits all day long and have a new queen, but before they ran away Morrow seer told them something very confusing: The prophecy isn’t real.
Star flight is a blind dragon, he is very knowledgable read a lot of scrolls (books) and is very nice, likes Sunny
If I really saw my family fight other people and they get hurt I would do the same as Star flight and do anything to help my family.
Is to care for others even if they don’t seem like what you think. To give others another chance.
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