You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth - William W.Purkey

Author Janelle

Photography – Set 1

Saul Leiter’s work and analysis: Saul Leiter’s work frequently utilizes value/tone and texture, usually presented through lighting and preferences. Many of these pictures consist of hats, umbrellas, and other sheltering areas, conveying a sense of an observant perspective under a… Continue Reading →

Engineering Project – Blog post #2

The design above required shaping wood into forms I’d prefer through cutting, drilling, and also using wiring, which could potentially make use of sauntering. This would need assistance to attain. Beginning the project, I created a base as drawn in… Continue Reading →

Engineering Project – Blog post #1

In grade 9 science, students are assessed on their ability to create an engineering project which presents energy transfer in one form or another. For my personal engineering project, I would like to create an object that serves either entertainment… Continue Reading →

Mind Map

Vision: Following my mind map, I find my vision correlated with the idea, “Under a shift”. “Under a shift” is a broad term, and I find it applied to many different aspects of everyday life, myself, and objects around me… Continue Reading →

Photography – Elements

The formal elements of photography usually consist of line, shape, focus, texture, repetition/pattern, value/tone, and space. Lines are seen in all photographs, an element seen in many areas, no matter the subject and context. Lines usually consist of the following:… Continue Reading →

Abstract Photography

Abstract photography should represent a concept or convey a particular message to the audience without revealing the specifics of the subject. The different elements in the picture may seem pointless by themselves, but they create a meaningful combination when together…. Continue Reading →

Socratic Seminar Reflection

Reflecting on the previous Socratic seminar, what I did well was to maintain active within the discussion, and stay on topic, analyzing the novel meanwhile presenting evidence to support my claims. Flaws that were noticed by my peers on the… Continue Reading →

Wrong Photos

The context within photography can determine the ideas conveyed and the ‘art’ that the photographer wants to present. Referencing ‘Wrong’ by John Baldessari, it would seem like a terribly taken photo of a man and the scenery behind. Still, when… Continue Reading →

Logo design

In this unit of logo design, students gain the freedom of expressing ideas for a specified brand, imitating a real-world situation for which they create a logo. By doing so, students have the opportunity to capture the style and expression… Continue Reading →

Reading Reflection #2- The Bone Clocks

I’ve read up to page 144 of the entire 624 pages, and since beginning to read this book, I’ve noticed many changes, slightly odd, and very interesting. The main character keeps on changing, and I am now up to the… Continue Reading →

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