You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth - William W.Purkey

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Beijing Through the Lens – 琉璃厂, 荣宝斋

Originating since the Qing Dynasty, LiuLiChang has been a cultural street within Beijing. Holding historical importance as well as being a resource for the traditional methods of sculpting, forging, and creation of art in general, LiuLiChang contains many shops to… Continue Reading →

Beijing Through the Lens – 红螺寺

HongLuoSi, a site in Beijing built in 338 A.D., is an area that presents a rich culture and defining architecture that remains secure. Named after the mythology of the HongLuo fairies who though protected the citizens and provided them with… Continue Reading →

Portraiture – Identity Set 2

Mind Map: Focus: In this project, I would like to focus on the concept of warmth and trust between people. Either in the society, within their own cultural beliefs, or in personal relationships. Since the pandemic has become such a… Continue Reading →


In this photography unit, students begin to explore Portraiture as they deepen their understanding of photography and different forms of imagery. In its simplest form, Portraiture is photography or other art forms that focus on people, mostly their upper body…. Continue Reading →

Photography – Set 3

  Vision: As a development of the Mind Map above, I have come to create my vision:  “Descent – In Purity,” a summary of what I may want to capture in everyday items and my surroundings. The idea of descent… Continue Reading →

Engineering Project – Blog post #4

My final project consists of two counterparts, the box holds the confetti and presents the result, and the base with circuits powering the fan. Focusing on the idea of energy transfer, my project utilizes electric energy, which transfers into wind… Continue Reading →

Engineering Post – Blog post #3

The design had flaws, including difficulties connecting the wires for a circuit that would make it somewhat sustainable, and the challenging area to maneuver with also brought trouble. The base that created a fence to hold the upper area of… Continue Reading →

Independent Reading Reflection

Since the last reflection, I’ve touched on Nightingale, a book set in WW2. However, it is unfit for the essay and did not interest me with the somewhat darker mood and setting. Continuing on The Bone Clocks, I’ve slowly made… Continue Reading →

Photography – Set 1

Saul Leiter’s work and analysis: Saul Leiter’s work frequently utilizes value/tone and texture, usually presented through lighting and preferences. Many of these pictures consist of hats, umbrellas, and other sheltering areas, conveying a sense of an observant perspective under a… Continue Reading →

Photography – Elements

The formal elements of photography usually consist of line, shape, focus, texture, repetition/pattern, value/tone, and space. Lines are seen in all photographs, an element seen in many areas, no matter the subject and context. Lines usually consist of the following:… Continue Reading →

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