choices – connect

For the new unit, choices, choices, I have chosen movement as my starting point/theme. Specifically, I want to base my project around long exposure.

Alexey Titarenko


These are a few photos from Titarenko’s collection “The City of Shadows“. Titarenko was inspired to take these photos by the collapse of the Soviet Union. He states that the soviet people turned from smiling and happy looking ‘signs’ to wandering shadows, which he wanted to capture through these photos. In other words, he wanted to express how the people have become bodyless, mindless shapes. I like how the photos capture movement with long-exposure, as the subjects’ movement is merged into one big element/shape. I like how this technique presents movement, as each stage of a subject’s course is captured in one photo, and also looks aesthetic and pleasing to the eye. The movement in the photo appears chaotic, which is want I want to express in my photos for this unit. I also like how the movement-shape’s color contrasts the background, as it makes the focus/”long-exposure-fied” subject stand out, drawing the audiences attention. I would like to achieve this in my project too.


Frank Machalowski


Machalowski also uses the same technique of long exposure in movement. Like Titarenko’s photo’s, I want to use this technique to express a chaotic image, and a merged shape of movement. Overall, I would also like to convey the feeling and state of movement in my pictures.


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