reflections – reflect / critique (set 2)


My photos use the technique of Anastasia Fasnakis, which is using mirrors to create ‘alternate reflections’. This refers to using a mirror to add a reflection into the picture, then making it seem natural and unique.

For this set, I decided to edit a reflection of the face/eyes onto another photo, where someone is standing behind a horizontal mirror. This was to show how when speaking to someone, you should be looking at their eyes and face instead of body parts that are sexualized. After editing the two photos together, I edited the combined photo to have the subject and background monochrome, and the reflection colored. This is to further support the theme of my set and symbolize that your focus should be on someone’s eyes and face. I like that the color attracts the viewers’ focus first thing, and so that my message is displayed as the focal point. I also like how the lighting turned out, as the dark subject contrasts with the light background. Overall, I think my second set was much more successful, as I achieved my vision, as I feel the pictures represent my theme well, and the photos look aesthetically pleasing too.

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