I used a coiling technique to make my pot, and i smoothed out the outside and the inside coils. I then made a lid with a thin coil on the bottom to prevent the lid from moving about. Then I scored and slipped a hamburger onto the lid. I had to make it hollow or else the lid would explode. Then, I poked small holes in the hamburger to let it breathe.
Category: Visual Art
Stretch and Explore
My final decision is to use clay and use the idea of Egyptian pots, and put a clay hamburger as a handle. I will use it to store food, and things I want to keep.
Understand the Art World
Take aways from Egyptian clay pots: The Egyptians would store the useful body parts they needed inside clay pots. On the pot lid, they would put a handle in the shape of a cat (represented something) They would also carve patterns onto the sides of the pot (representing something again)
Develop Craft and Engage & Persist
As you can see in the picture above, there are no changes from my post for stretch and explore. This is because the technique I tried (hot glue strings) wouldn’t take the shape I wanted it to when I glued it on, so I decided not to add that. Basically my solution was to not add the hot glue strings because that was not what I pictured.
I decided that my stretch and explore piece will become my final project. Since my piece doesn’t have an element of texture, I decided to add the object in the picture above. It is made by hot glue strings, and I will use red acrylic paint to paint it on to my final project.
Stretch and Explore
For this sample piece, I used Acrylic paint, oil pastel and color pencil. With color pencil, I drew some marks on the black paper, and used acrylic to bring more of a realistic feel. With oil pastel, I transferred words from paper to the piece . I used these kinds of media because I thought it was the best way to make the art piece kind of realistic.
What idea or personal expression will you communicate with your artwork? I want to express the idea of how a lot of people stress over things they didn’t do or failed at. The quote I put in says :”Don’t stress about the closed doors behind you. New doors are opening if you keep moving forward.” I think this quote and piece really relates to me, when I want to give up, I will keep trying even if it’s hard or difficult.
I think this piece was kind of hard to observe, because of all the detail, and it was hard to shadow and add volume because this piece is an object (gate/door)
Understand The Art World
This piece by Auguste Rodin was made to represent the gates of hell. Rodin’s idea was to represent the gateway to hell, and the things he put on the door was meant to bring out how would you feel, or how you would be treated there. They resembled specific things. This door inspires me because what I want to resemble is the “feeling of wanting to shut yourself out”, and the stress you feel sometimes.
What media station did you like the best and why? I liked structure, because then you can design anything with wood and wire, and I think thats really cool. What media or techniques did we not cover that you would like to? We didn’t really cover clay wheels, and I love working with them. Think of a station or art materials. What is one important thing to remember in cleaning up? In the acrylic station, we should remember to wash the brushes correctly, so the next people can use them clean.