Don’t Label Me

Jaslyn I am a daughter, a student, a dancer, and an athlete. I get carsick really easily. I am a cat lover. I love receiving new materials and I love the smell of French fries. I love candy and potatoes. I hate the sound of nails against chalkboards and Styrofoam and the taste and feeling of wet wood makes me cringe. Autumn is my favorite season. Rusty metal makes me anxious and I hate the smell of earth after a rainy day. I love salsa without onions in a burrito bowl. The color yellow makes me happy. I can’t stand 3 hours without food. Short hair doesn’t look good on me, and I hate the feel of old paper. Don’t label me.

Ancient Mesopotamia- Day One Simulation Reflection

Our task during today’s simulation was to make our team the richest society (group) in the class. There were five different jobs: Law enforcing, Architecting, creating a Written language, Trading, and The Secret Project, which was a catapult. Whoever was the richest society won the simulation. My job was to create the written language and after that help with creating the laws. One thing that worked really well is that we had a lot of our supplies from the start, and one weak point was that our team had a limited amount of tape because other teams needed it as well. Next time I would suggest to split the jobs so that two people occupied the job that was more difficult, like the temple building worksheet.

Ancient Egypt

This iMovie is about the great pyramids of Ancient Egypt. We made this video in our early civilizations group project and we chose the pyramids because we thought it had a lot to talk about. This project took us about 2 weeks, including the research, planning, script writing, filming and editing altogether. Enjoy the video!

I am from Lai Wong Bao and Harry Potter Books

This is a poem about where I am from. Instead of saying where i’m from like a place in the world, I describe myself coming from several objects, places and people that are important to me. I started to make a list of people who were important to me. Then slowly, I made lists of a lot of other things that were important to me. After 4-5 days, I completed this task and created an iMovie of my poem.