Lipbalm Trial 5 Prep

Trial: 1 2 3 4 5 Final Product Ingredients list and measurements -2g beeswax -1.5g shea -1 drop oil (almond) -1 drop vitE   -1g beeswax -0.8g shea -1.5g coco oil -2 drops vit E -4 drops vanilla -1g beeswax -1g shea -1.7g coco oil -2 drops vit E -4 drops vanilla -1g beeswax -0.9g shea -1.7g coco oil -4 drops vitE -4 drops vanilla     Temperature fragrance added (Celsius) 62c 65c 67c 67c     Yield (number of lip balm tubes filled) 1 1 1 1     Any changes in previous recipe   Amount of: VitE, fragrance, beeswax, oil, shea Amount of: Oil, shea, honey Amount of: VitE, shea     Qualitative observations Really hard Smooth Good texture, good smell Hardened over time, not enough mixture     While I experimented, I noticed that the mixture started separating, because of the coconut oil and shea butter. Next time, I will alter the coconut oil (from 1.7 to 1.5g) and the shea butter (0.9 to 0.7). I’ve noticed that almond oil preserves the ‘smoothness’ of the lip balm, so I will add 0.7g of that into my mixture. My mixture didn’t fill up the whole tube last time, […]

Lipbalm Trial 4 Prep

Trial: 1 2 3 4 5 Final Product Ingredients list and measurements -2g beeswax -1.5g shea -1 drop oil (almond) -1 drop vitE   -1g beeswax -0.8g shea -1.5g coco oil -2 drops vit E -4 drops vanilla -1g beeswax -1g shea -1.7g coco oil -3 drops vit E -4 drops vanilla Temperature fragrance added (Celsius) 62c 65c 67c Yield (number of lip balm tubes filled) 1 1 1 Any changes in previous recipe Amount of: VitE, fragrance, beeswax, oil, shea Amount of: Oil, shea, honey, vitE Qualitative observations Really hard Smooth Good texture, good smell I asked a lot of people to try my lipbalm, and I think with their feedback and my feedback, the recipe I used is what I was going for when I decided to make lipbalm. However, trying my lip balm a week after made me realize that the lip balm has hardened. For my next test, I will add less beeswax, 0.9g, because I think that could also be making the lip balm harder after a while.   New test: Materials: Coconut oil (1.7g) Shea butter (0.9g) Beeswax (0.9g) Essential oil Vanilla (3 drops) Honey (1g) Vitamin E oil (4 drops) Lipbalm container Thermometer […]

Lipbalm Trial 3 Prep

Trial: 1 2 3 4 5 Final Product Ingredients list and measurements -2g beeswax -1.5g shea -1 drop oil (almond) -1 drop vitE   -1g beeswax -0.8g shea -1.5g coco oil -2 drops vit E -4 drops vanilla Temperature fragrance added (Celsius) 62c 65c Yield (number of lip balm tubes filled) 1 1 Any changes in previous recipe Amount of: VitE, fragrance, beeswax, oil, shea Qualitative observations Really hard Smooth   Person Comment 1 Better texture, less smell 2 Good texture, more smell than last time (better) 3 Smoother, nice 4 Perfect texture, maybe try different oil 5 Smells stronger of soap, texture is good 6 Better overall, more mixture From the feedback above, and my personal preference, I think the texture and smell are perfect (for me), but the mixture didn’t fill up the whole tube. For next time, I would like to add more of each ingredient (keeping around the same ratio), so I can use all the space I can.   New test: Materials: Coconut oil (1.7g) Shea butter (1g) Beeswax (1g) Essential oil Vanilla (4 drops) Honey (1g) Vitamin E oil (2 drops) Lipbalm container Thermometer 1 400 ml beaker 1 100ml beaker Hot water (100mL) […]

Lipbalm Trial 2 Prep

Trial: 1 2 3 4 5 Final Product Ingredients list and measurements -2g beeswax -1.5g shea -1 drop oil (almond) -1 drop vitE   Temperature fragrance added (Celsius) 62c Yield (number of lip balm tubes filled) 1 Any changes in previous recipe Qualitative observations Really hard   Person Comment 1 Nice scent, more oil (want more residue) 2 Like the smell, less smell 3 Stronger honey, kind of hard 4 Use more coconut oil, less wax, good smell 5 More oil, smells like a hotel, maybe stronger smell 6 Good smell Using the feedback above, I know I added too much wax because the lipbalm ended up really hard. I will change it from 2g to 1g, and I got feedback saying more oil could be used, so I will switch almond oil to coconut oil, because coconut oil is more soft/smooth, and the measurements will change from 1 drop to 1.5g. I think I will also add more honey, to make the vanilla honey flavor come out more, so I will change it from 0.4g to 0.8g.   New Test: Materials: Coconut oil (1.5g) Shea butter (0.8g) Beeswax (1g) Essential oil Vanilla (4 drops) Honey (0.8g) Vitamin E oil […]

Lipbalms Step 0

Materials: Almond oil (1 drop) Shea butter (1.5g) Beeswax (2g) Essential oil Vanilla (2 drops) Honey (0.4g) Vitamin E oil (1 drop) Lipbalm container Thermometer 1 400 ml beaker 1 100ml beaker Hot water (100mL) Pipette Electric scale Procedure: Prepare a 400mL beaker of water on the electric burner, at 80 degrees (measure with thermometer) Weigh the amount you need from your ingredients with an electric scale Melt the beeswax using the double boiler method in a 100mL beaker Add in the shea butter Add in the almond oil with a pipette Add in the honey Take off heat and wait for the temperature to drop to 65 degrees Add in vitamin e Add in 2 drop fragrance (vanilla) at 59 degrees (measure with thermometer) Celsius Pour into container Wait to set, or put in the fridge for a minute Table: Trial: 1 2 3 4 5 Final Product Ingredients list and measurements Temperature fragrance added (Celsius) Yield (number of lip balm tubes filled) Any changes in the previous recipe Qualitative observations