Question: Can a ‘bad’ picture ever be ‘great’?
A ‘bad’ picture can be ‘great’ as pictures are taken to help humans be able to reminisce about the past or holds emotions, even if a ‘bad’ picture were to exist it will hold meaning to other people and still be considered ‘art’ as ‘art’ is objective, so does the words ‘bad’ and good’. I believe that context is extremely important in photograph as that is what makes a photo be considered ‘good’ or ‘bad’,since there is meaning behind every photo. For exmaple, the photograph ‘WRONG” by John Baldessari holds various of photography rules broken, but it does not make it a bad picture because it makes the audience feel drawn into the image as it makes the audience question what makes a bad picture. To add on the image ‘WRONG” helps showcase Baldessari mind as he is trying to not make ‘boring’ art.
Works cited:
Baldessari, John “Wrong” Photograph. Dragon’s Exchange, ISB, 22nd August 2024., Accessed 22nd August 2024