Humanities argument unit essay

People all around the world have been arguing about “should countries make uniforms a law?”. School uniforms are what students wear for more than 6 hour every day, except for weekends and holidays. It has a really big effect on student’s learning and behavior. Countries shouldn’t make uniform a law because of the following reasons: student should have the right to decide on what they wear and how to express themselves through clothes, uniforms are really uncomfortable, and uniforms are more expensive than normal clothes.

Making uniforms a law will mean that students will not have the right to decide what to wear and how they express themselves. Research have shown that 30% public school and 54% private school is forcing students to wear uniforms, students in schools that need to wear uniforms and have really expensive clothes will only be able to wear them on weekends and it’ll be a huge waste of money. Also, students won’t know how to dress themselves when they grow older, which may cause a lot of problems for them.

School uniforms are uncomfortable. Girls, for example, will be forced to wear skirts and dresses. 70 percent of students didn’t want school uniforms and a big part of it is because they are uncomfortable. Student are the ones who wears the uniform, so if they don’t like it then countries shouldn’t make it a law. According to Newsela, 4 out of 5 expert said uniforms shouldn’t be a law. There’s no point of making uniform a law if it can’t benefit students.

Some may say that uniforms will prevent bulling. Research shown that nearly 70% of student believe that it’ll prevent bulling. However, student will still get bullied if they can’t even afford uniforms. According to NAESP, 77% of uniform cost at least 100, and families have to buy different types for season change. With such high price, not all family will be able to afford them. According to the guardian, many parents will have paid out 40% of their monthly income on “back to school cost”. Family are struggling to buy uniforms; parents have to work really hard on summer just to buy uniform for their children.

The reason countries make uniform a law is to benefit students. But the things problem is, the cost of uniforms is way bigger than the benefit it gives us. Countries shouldn’t make uniform a law so students won’t lose the right to express themselves, students could wear what they think are the most comfortable, families won’t have to struggle to afford uniforms.


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