
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

my invention

On march 13th, I was tasked with an assignment that I think is rather fun. The task is this: your partner and you tell each other about your favorite foods, and tell each other about how it might be ruined. You then have to design a product that solves your partner’s problem. For me, here is my design process.


I first had to sketch out a design, and I came up with something like this:

I planned to make this out of cardboard some tape, and hot glue.


I first took out a cardboard box and cut it into many pieces. I then glued it together into a box without the front and top. I then attached a platform near then top, around 3 cm from the top of the box. Then, I built the tube for the water to come down. I had to put the reservoir on the top, and I then put on the roof of the box. I added the control panel last.


I had a few complications during the production of my invention.

– The reservoir was going to be too small if I put it on the inside of the machine. So, I had to put it on the outside.

– the tubing would collapse without any support if the glue was not dry or had too much weight on it, I learned that the hard way.

– Some of the cardboard half a centimeter off, so I had to recut.


my partner posted this on my invention:

“Really creative making pipe thing inside the box.”

1 Comment

  1. Hi Leon,

    I’m glad you enjoyed this project. You did a good job answering some of the prompts, and it was fun to read your thoughts. Meeting.

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