
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Tag: europe

The Boxer rebellion was an even that aimed to drive out foreigners and Christians. Although the war was very bloody and disastrous for both sides of the war, I do not think the Boxers deserve a bad reputation. Usually, people would pay attention to the fighting, and especially in this case, the horrific war between the Boxers and the foreigners. Because of this, usually people would ignore the causes of the war and just say, ‘oh, this war was really bad, and the Boxers started it.’ But if you pay attention to the causes of the war, you can see that the Boxers had a perfect reason to rebel: they were under constant pressure from the west. If I was to suddenly come into your house and start enforcing rules on you without your permission, I bet you would be pretty mad too. In the case of the Boxers, the Legations had a whole street to themselves and no Chinese villager could enter the street without permission. Another reason would be that the Boxers were very ill-informed. Because they were anti-Christian, they probably did not go to school. Because of this, they did not really know what was going on and why the foreigners were pushing these new laws on them. All they saw was that they were an invasive group of people and needed to be driven out of China. Because of this, there is almost no documentation from the Boxer’s side of the war at all, so it was hard to get a full perspective of the war. One final reason was that the Boxers were mostly made up of unemployed men. When the foreigner came to China, they also brought western technology with them, such as railways and telephone lines. Railways were constructed and the need for people who carried goods from place to place were gone. Telephone lines were constructed and the people who sent messages were gone. As such, these young men lost their jobs. Because of this, they went to the Boxers. In conclusion, The Boxers do not deserve a bad reputation because they were mis-informed, under constant pressure, and most men had lost their jobs from western technology.


Am I a Humanist?

To learn more about humanism today, here is an article for you: https://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/atheism/types/humanism.shtml

To learn more about humanism in the renaissance, here is an article for you: https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195399301/obo-9780195399301-0002.xml

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