Linda Wang

"Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors" —— Ludwig Van Beethoven

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Final Evaluation

  1. Albert Reneger-Patzsch inspired my project. This is because he captured photos revealing the beauty of nature
  2. My image are also realistic and taken from the same angle and capture the same object but from different distance. This relates to my inspiration photos because Reneger-Patzsch also takes realistic photos from different distances.
  3. I experimented with focus in my photos. As you can see, the first photo is from a farer distance compared to the third photo.
  4. I realized that I did not like the more dreamy, Uta Barth styled photos so I transitions to realistic photos.
  5. My idea behind my final images is to appreciate the calm and slightly cheerful feeling that somewhere very ordinary could bring us, This brings together the parts of my other projects because this set highlights both the overall hue of the photos as well as showing something that is considered to be seen daily.
  6. I created my final images through tweaking the camera to change the distance between the object and the camera lence.
  7. The overall strength of my project is that the triptych is cohesive- there is a clear connection between the three pictures.
  8. Next time, I can change my angles and have a clearer focus point for my photos.

Set 2

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SET 2 Photographer Analysis


This is a set of photographs by Albert Renger-Pazsch. In this set, he photographed landscapes and daily objects through different lenses than what we are used to seeing. Henceforth, he showed the beauty of the things around us. He used a lot of tone in his photography and his photographs are images of realistic things through beautified views. For instance, he would zoom in/out on objects and take a photograph of the object from the best view as well as probably tweaking his position in order to capture the best tone(such as shadows) of the object. I chose him to be my inspiration because his style of photography reveals the beauty without it being unrealistic.

SET 1 Photograph

This is a set of photograph of water glasses through different angles. For the first one, I chose to do a view that has distance then for the second and third I gradually pulled the camera in.  In the first photo (the top one), I took the photo from a horizontal angle while in the second photo, I chose a slightly angled view (tilting a bit up) and took a close up photo that is slightly blurred. For the last photo, I took the photo tilting horizontally left and blurred the photo even more.  This corresponds to my statement of intent because I photographed something that is realistic and used in daily life in angles that are not so obvious.

Mind Map + Statement of Intent

ABstraction by linda


Statement of Intent:  The Uniqueness of Objects

The message of my triptych will be to highlight the uniqueness of daily objects.  Daily objects could be observed in angles that reveals their distinctive features. Through my photographs, I want the audience to appreciate the beauty and individuality of every commonly ignored object and to discover the uniqueness of the daily objects. For inspiration, I will try to find a photographer who portrays “normal” objects in angles that are not commonly thought of or seen in.  I want to find a photographer that uses soft hues and cool toned hues in photographs. Originally, I choose Uta Barth, but later, I realized even though I wanted a softer tone I still want the picture to be realistic, meaning with minimal filters. In my opinion, we have to try to appreciate the little things in daily life.

8 photographs

   The artist uses mostly muted colors and hazy filters to create a misty effect. There is light and shading, with the accented object usually darker than the rest. Barth likes to use geometric shapes as well as basic lines.

Field #20 1997 Uta Barth born 1958 Purchased with assistance from Poju and Anita Zabludowicz 2000

Paul Strand “Abstraction” Assessment

  1. The photographer might be interested in capturing the hue and tone of the objects as well as the pattern that the shadows create.
  2. I entitle the photograph “shadows” because the most outstanding part of the photograph is the shadows
  3.  One thing that is unusual is that the photographer chose to use little tone in that picture. This is because I personally think that different, contrasting tones would make the picture a bit more interesting.
  4. the shadows and the table create a difference in tone. The shadow casts a pattern onto the table and the thing next to it . The outline of the table is a curved line which contrasts with the straight lines that the pattern creates.
  5. I think the best thing about this photograph is the shadows. This is because the shadows create irregular shapes that are all different but at the same time unified because every one the the shapes has straight edges

Assessment Task: Formal Elements

  1. I think Formal Elements mean that the fundamental elements that compose a picture
  2. Line: a straight or curve continuous length that does not have width    Shape: something composed from points and lines that is closed and have length and width    pattern: the repetition of lines and/or shapes   Texture: how a substance feels like  focus: how clear something is   value/tone: how light/ dark something is
  3. Line:   Shape:   Pattern:   Tone: Texture: Focus:
  4. I think an elements cannot exist in pictures in isolation. This is because everything has a texture (at the very least) and some type of tone. However, the main focus/emphasis can be a single element. 

Researching the Starting Points

  1. change our view; we view objects from different angles
  2. pictorialism is a style of photography that focuses on the beauty of the objects
  3. abstract photography is a style of depicting pictures that do not have clear association to the object
  4. He was a German photographer who was a pioneer in the new Straight photography
  5. Ordinary subjects that could be found in daily life
  6. He wanted to display to beauty of the items seen in daily life
  7. He probably wanted to focus more on the beauty of objects as they are, not through almost filter-like photography
  8. He photographed pictures of things that can be created/seen in daily lif
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