Linda Wang

"Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors" —— Ludwig Van Beethoven

Category: Learning to See

Photography Wrong Unit Assessment


Context is very important in Photography. In the picture “WRONG” , for example, the artist John Baldassari was trying to present the idea to forget all of the rules in photography. After understanding the context of the photo, people might view the photo as something other than a badly taken photo and think about the message from the artist. However, without context, most people would probably view “WRONG” as an ugly photo.

Ten Rules

  1. Rule of the thirds
  2. Contrasting colors
  3. Appropriate exposure
  4. Keep the photo minimal
  5. Have a focus
  6. Fill the frame
  7. Balance of colors
  8. Don’t cut off the joints of the limbs
  9. Use frames

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