Archive | January 2019

Ancient China and Calligraphy

This is our video about ancient China and its written language. This is a common craft/ chalkboard animation. I’m proud of the structure of the whole video. I’m not proud of the timing with the voiceover.

This entry was posted on January 30, 2019, in Humanites.

One Day Introductory Post

My name is Maggie Li, and my One Day activity is Making Beats. In this one day activity we make original music. At first, I want to make a song, but songwriting is too complicated to me, so I made it a theme song, as if it is a song in a video game. The song has 2 parts; A and B. Part A is the part of the piano music and the eerie, but glorious battle music. Part B is the creepy insect and the elaborate synthesizer part. Part 3 is Part A remixed and mashed up together to make an end. I’m most proud of part A, but I think part B could be better.

This entry was posted on January 28, 2019, in One Day.

What are the Advantages of Living Near a River

Living near a river is good because there many benefices. For example, many crops, people, and animals need large amounts of water to live.  A river is a fresh water source and very good for life to sustain upon. If someone lives near a river, they can easily get water quickly and efficiently, other than another person, who lives farther away. When living near a river, people quickly adapt to its environment by making new inventions, like the pottery wheel, and understood how the river functions and make up calculations and math. When people invent new things and discover a new way, it makes further generations have an easier life to experience and make them smarter. Living near a river is also a good place for a major food hotspot. Since animals need water to survive, people have learned to fish and hunt nearside a river. When people thought about living near rivers, people also invented leisure activities and recreation, like kayaking, canoeing, and etc. This paragraph proves that living near a river is good because a river is a good water source, food source, and a good leisure spot, if you live closely to one, of course.

This entry was posted on January 11, 2019, in Uncategorized and tagged .