Example from someone else: “He was censured for his conduct” Oxford American Dictionary
My example: The judges censured her masterpiece.
Example from someone else: ” The aircraft was certified as airworthy.” – Oxford American Dictionary
My example: I will certify to the opposition that this claim is true
Example from someone else: “Winnowing was done by women, who tossed the grain into the air with small wooden boards, the chaff being blown away by the winds.” – sentence.yourdictionary.com
My example: Separating the chaffs from the cereal grains were either done by hand or by machines.
Example from someone else: “The chassis of the car is in mint condition.” -Oxford American Dictionary
My example: The chassis of the radio is missing.
Example from someone else: ” He is a choleric, self-important little man.” – Oxford American Dictionary
My example: The male bullies in this show were often represented as choleric and selfish students.