
Cars and Sea Animals

Cars and Sea Animals

This product addresses my client needs of simplicity, dynamic, and fun. The material used for the cranky contraption is also very durable, or else babies and toddlers using this will effortlessly break the contraption my turning the crank one time.  The materials are wire, wood, bottle cap, card board, and pencil.

If I did this again, something I’ll do differently is that my client will change, which means the entire contraption will change too. This could be my mother’s birthday present. However the timing of when I started to make the contraption clashes with my mom’s birthday (April 4th), so I had to make these for my brother instead.

Overall I think this product is successful because it satisfies my clients needs of simplicity, interesting, and fun, and it makes me get satisfied. I also notice that this contraption has 2 ways of using it. One way is to sign switcher ( switches pictures on signs every rotation). Another way is to use this to slap someone (playfully, not really)

Operation: Warming and Cooling

I’m really proud of our penguin dwelling prototype. Even though our dwelling was made out of aluminum foil and mylar foil, this whole design not only states what the problem is (penguins having to suffer through climate change), but how we can change it just enough to have a clear understanding of what is next of the problem.

Something I would do differently is to remember what materials reflects the light and the heat like glass (insulator), what materials lets the heat and light go through them like plastic wrap, and what materials can absorb heat and light like felt (conductor).

The most hardest thing about this project is mainly updating on the storyboard. A lot of us in our group, possibly including me, feel lazy when writing and updating on the storyboard. In conclusion, we didn’t finish our storyboard to present to other people and get a picture for my blog.

The water purifier experiment

This is our water purifier experiment. The goal of this challenge is to find the quickest to purify dirty water. Imagine that you are on an deserted island, and you need to find a way to purify the water. You are only allowed to use the materials that you find on an island.

Before we began, Hyeyoung and I used string (tree vines), cloth, a pocket knife, one and a half water bottles, glue (tree sap), gravel, dirt, and sand to create our purifier. First, we cut out the water bottle with the pocket knife, flipped the top part of the water bottle upside down, draped the bottom with cloth, and forced it onto the little cup. Then, we filled the opening section with rocks, dirt, gravel, and sand. When we tried to test it out, the water won’t completely purify, so we added another section onto the previous opening section, draped the bottom with cloth, and filled it with the same materials. When we tested it out again, it purified completely.

The process of purifying starts when impure water goes into the top section. The top section filters the water. Then, the water gets filtered again by the bottom section, just in case the top section didn’t purified it enough. Finally, the pure drinking water drips into the cup.