5 New Words For This Week


Example from someone else: ” I play pinochle with a horse” – Percy Jackson

My example: She was a dab hand at playing pinochle



Example from someone else: “He changed his ministers incessantly, and on mere caprice.” – sentence.yourdictionary.com

My example: His workers were tired from his caprices



Example from someone else: ” The winds from the north and those from the south are at constant feud, and blow cold or hot in the most capricious manner, often in the course of the same day.” – sentence.yourdictionary.com

My example: Due to global warming, scientists believe that the weather will get more capricious, if we don’t do something about it.



Example from someone else: “Leopold castigated his son for leaving the archbishop’s service”- Oxford American Dictionary

My example: For the fifth time, she got castigated by her parents because she missed the school bus again.



Example from someone else: “Her voice was caustic.” – sentence.yourdictionary.com

My example: They may be caustic when it comes to meeting new people, but once you know them, they are really nice.

5 New Words For This Week


Example from someone else: “Nancy Bobofit, a kleptomaniac….” – From Percy Jackson

My Example: I heard someone from my class had a dad who is kleptomaniac.



Example from someone else: “She was never quite sure how to respond to Martha’s candor though the two continued to be best of friends.” – sentence.yourdictionary.com

My example: I was surprised by her sudden candor.



Example from someone else: “The appointment violated the canons of fair play and equal opportunity.” – American Oxford Dictionary

My example: They know the canons of safety and fair play, so don’t mess with them



Example from someone else: “Feeding and harnessing the cantankerous mules wasn’t exactly the highlight of her day.” – sentence.yourdictionary.com

My example: Everyday, she had to pass the cantankerous old man’s house on her way to school



Example from someone else: “The children were capering about in the room.” – American Oxford Dictionary

My example: With their new friend, Max and Alex capered around the park.


Cars and Sea Animals

Cars and Sea Animals

This product addresses my client needs of simplicity, dynamic, and fun. The material used for the cranky contraption is also very durable, or else babies and toddlers using this will effortlessly break the contraption my turning the crank one time.  The materials are wire, wood, bottle cap, card board, and pencil.

If I did this again, something I’ll do differently is that my client will change, which means the entire contraption will change too. This could be my mother’s birthday present. However the timing of when I started to make the contraption clashes with my mom’s birthday (April 4th), so I had to make these for my brother instead.

Overall I think this product is successful because it satisfies my clients needs of simplicity, interesting, and fun, and it makes me get satisfied. I also notice that this contraption has 2 ways of using it. One way is to sign switcher ( switches pictures on signs every rotation). Another way is to use this to slap someone (playfully, not really)

ISB Spring Mentoring Trip: Civilization Game

•Some skills that I learned is how to tie a X-knot, how to build a proper campfire, and how to build a raft out of barrels, rope, and bamboo.

•The most challenging part of the trip was building a civilization out of scrap materials that are limited.

•Something I enjoy most about the trip was staying with our bunk mates when we have the time to.

•If I have the chance to give out advice I have 3 pieces of them. 1) When building rafts, you might actually want to copy a design. Many people choose the ‘smart’ way (which you’ll figure out later, and they know what they are doing. 2) Make sure you follow the elements of making the fire: heat, fuel, and air. 3) Don’t steal, there are more costs than benefits when stealing.

This entry was posted on May 27, 2019, in Homeroom.

艾玛 • 沃森



艾玛沃森(Emma Watson)是一位有名的英格兰女演员,模特儿,也是一位女权主义人士。她在1990年4月15日出生于法国巴黎。她的首次职业演出,就是在哈利波特里扮演了
赫敏·格兰杰。哈利波特的第一集播出时,她获得了很大名气,然后她快速参演了更多电影,例如,《壁画男孩》(The Perks of Being a Wallflower),《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast),还有《浪漫鼠,得佩罗》(The Tale of Despereaux)。除了参演电影,她也做模特还有为女性的权利斗争。
沃森的父母都是英国的律师。沃森5岁时,她父母离婚了,艾玛的妈妈,弟弟和艾玛都搬去英国牛津。艾玛去牛津Stagecoach Theatre Arts School 上学。艾玛在那里学唱歌,表演和跳舞,还参加学校戏剧表演。1997年,她赢得一个诗歌比赛。这是她第一次表现出对表演的喜爱。一直到2001年,艾玛的老师要求艾玛试演哈利波特。艾玛不但参与哈利波特的演出,而且成了赫敏格兰杰。
在参演哈利波特的10年中,沃森不但扮演了赫敏,而且也在各种各样的电影和喜剧里,扮演了各种角色。在2008年,沃森进入了《浪漫鼠,得佩罗》,配音了Princess Pea。她也对时装业感兴趣。在2009年9月,她开始为一个时尚公司工作,People Tree,一个时尚品牌进行合作。哈利波特结束两年后,沃森成为一个联合国妇女亲善大使,还为女性的平等而斗争。
沃森获得了很多奖牌。她的第一部电影哈利波特让她获得了the Young Artist Award for Leading Young Actress. 在2017年,因为她在美女与野兽中扮演的Belle,她获得了the first ever Gender-Neutral Best Actor Award at the MTV Movie Awards。因为她为了女性的平等斗争所以获得了“Woman of the Year” at the ELLE Style Awards Ceremony。艾玛沃森的成功激励了很多人。
我觉得艾玛沃森是这个世界最棒的表率之一。她努力工作。她在演哈利波特时,她只是一个青少年,而她还保持她自己的教育和工作平衡。因为她的教育和工作,她受到人们的赞美。这是个很难做到的成绩。她是个天才。 除了演员,艾玛也会唱歌,跳舞。例如,艾玛在美女与野兽唱歌和跳舞。她是很多人的灵感。


Strawberry Bell

My greatest success in this class was assembling the ornaments together, painting them and glueing them together. It took a really long time just to finish measuring, cutting, painting, and layering. Once I finished glueing them together, it was really satisfying and I almost had to rush finishing the base heart. One mistake I learned from this trimester is that I left my project out, and someone almost threw it in the trash. If I took this class again, there are three things I’d do differently. One, I’ll clean up my project first before cleaning up equipment. Two, I should try to remember what is next before I do things, or else if I was mindlessly doing things, I’ll just be wasting time. Third, I should make more accurate measurements when I’m cutting.

This entry was posted on March 5, 2019, in Enrichments.

Day One Simulation Reflection- Ancient Mesopotamia

During the activity, I personally did most of the laws. As a group, we divided the work load up, so for Larry, he did most of the written language and the trading, Joy did much of the architectural planning for the temple, Louis and I did the laws and policies, while Larry and I tried to build the invention. Our biggest accomplishment as a civilization was managing to get the supplies for our top-secret invention because getting supplies is harder when you don’t have much natural supplies. Our weakest point as a civilization was trying to agree on one point because some of us thought we needed to create an original temple, while some of us thought that we need to use the plan to copy. If I could do this activity again, I would change how fast and efficient we worked. We got the temple drawn, laws written, language figured out and trading done, but we didn’t finish the top-secret invention. The top-secret invention is the most important one, so our “society” can take over faster, but we didn’t finish it quickly.

Ancient China and Calligraphy

This is our video about ancient China and its written language. This is a common craft/ chalkboard animation. I’m proud of the structure of the whole video. I’m not proud of the timing with the voiceover.

This entry was posted on January 30, 2019, in Humanites.

One Day Introductory Post

My name is Maggie Li, and my One Day activity is Making Beats. In this one day activity we make original music. At first, I want to make a song, but songwriting is too complicated to me, so I made it a theme song, as if it is a song in a video game. The song has 2 parts; A and B. Part A is the part of the piano music and the eerie, but glorious battle music. Part B is the creepy insect and the elaborate synthesizer part. Part 3 is Part A remixed and mashed up together to make an end. I’m most proud of part A, but I think part B could be better.

This entry was posted on January 28, 2019, in One Day.