Tag Archive | cultural revolution

Nongbo’s Journal on the Chinese Cultural Revolution

Meet Nongbo, a 19 year old living in Beijing, China, a college student who has dropped out of college and became a Red Guard. He was extremely devoted to Chairman Mao and would do anything to be on Chairman Mao’s good side. This journal recounts the experience and conflicts of the fictional character from the rise of the Red Guards to the end of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

Instead of a whole communist government, which was what the Chinese government was aiming for during the Cultural Revolution, capitalism has been re-introduced to China. This is because the Chinese government found out China was way behind the global superpowers and needed to boost their economy. The effects of the Cultural Revolution could be both good and bad. On the good side, China had established a one-party system that controls every government affair. On the other hand, a whole generation of people did not get their completion of education.

The Chinese Cultural Revolution in Plain English

This film was made by George and Maggie (me). It showcases the events during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Using the knowledge of revolutions from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and Animal Farm, something I learned about revolutions is that if people are too oppressed by the government, these people would do anything to gain freedom, no matter the price. Since there are so many revolutions that happened in history, and many revolve around communism, this clearly shows that leaders will keep on thinking they need power for themselves, and communism is a pipe dream.