Tag Archive | shakespeare

Helena’s Twitter Account

In Shakespeare’s comedy, “the Midsummer’s Night’s Dream”, two couples run into the woods where they meet the magics of the fairies who live there. A girl named Helena is obsessed with, a boy, Demetrius, sad that she couldn’t have her way with Demetrius, and jealous of her friend’s, Hermia’s, beauty. Helena is head over heels in love with Demetrius. The more she wants to be with Demetrius, the more he wants to get away from Helena: “The more I love, the more he hateth me” (Line 199). Helena doesn’t want to give up on Demetrius, even though he had given up on Helena once he saw Hermia. In fact, Helena’s plan to make Demetrius fall in love with her. Helena is sad that she couldn’t get her ending with Demetrius, unlike Hermia running away to elope with Lysander. She complains that some people will always be happier than others: “How happy some o’er other some can be!” (Line 226). She is implying here that even though she is beautiful, she still won’t sway Demetrius’s heart. Helena is also jealous. Helena wishes to be beautiful as Hermia so she could make Demetrius fall in love. Helena even remembers the time Demetrius really loved her, but when Demetrius saw Hermia, he forgot about Helena: “For ere Demetrius looked on Hermia’s eyne, he hailed down oaths that he was only mine” (Lines 242, 243). This makes Helena jealous of Hermia’s beauty because now Demetrius is committed in making Hermia his wife, and scorns Helena.


Two of her quotes, the lines 226, 242 and 243, are tweets, while the bio highlights and puts emphasis on the part that she is madly in love with Demetrius. There is a tweet written by Lysander, explaining that Demetrius won Helena’s heart, and how infatuated Helena is. I chose these profile pictures by searching up Google using the words pretty and handsome.