What has been working so far?
So far, my ideas of combining the various pieces together to form a lamp have been pretty successful.
What I’m unsure about:
So far, I am not certain about the backside of the lamp since I haven’t pictured/thought of the design and combinations yet.
How does your lamp respond to your user?
My lamp responds to my user by presenting the user’s interest through patterns, designs, and characters on and within the lamp. Like telling a story for the user. The existence of the lamp is symbolizing the interest and preferences of the user, therefore making the user feel at home and comfortable.
Age: 12+
Budget: Parent’s Money (150 RMB +)
Interest: Art, architecture, animals, cartoons, games
Preference: Decorative, night/lighting lamp, creative
Patterns Idea 1 Idea 2
Idea concept: Using the one idea concept and creating as many idea sketches as possible. (3D)
Rough Model (1st Inspiration)
Plastic: rough/smooth + transparent
-Night light
Inspiration from Monument Valley:
Half-finished prototype
Raven (M.V Character 1)
Ida (M.V character 2)
Sketches and inspirations
Final version of sketch/inspiration
Wood, half-transparent material, and 3D printed plastic.
Why is your lamp design a good response to your design brief?
My lamp design involves the use of characters from monument valley (a game that involves fascinating architecture styles and stories.) The lamp could basically be put anywhere in the house, with light shining up from the bottom and lighting the “stage”, telling the stories from within.
The function of the lamp:
The function of the lamp I design clearly meets all standards of the user’s needs. Being decorative, creative, and also a night lamp.
The form of the lamp:
The lamp takes the form of a box, with multiple characters with interesting stories to tell. The light would be placed on the bottom of the box. The half-transparent pieces allow the light to shine through the box creating “a theatre” within.
There were various challenges when I started this project. One was when using wood glue to stick the wooden pieces together. The pieces were hard to stay still with and a lot of patience was needed. Another challenge was having to change the ideas and path through the middle of the process. The last challenge was having the exact measurements for the pieces in order for them to fit through and having them well glued together.
Hi Marissa, I was especially impressed by the way you developed your lamp idea so thoroughly, based on the inspiration of the game. There are a few areas of your design process such as inspiration that has not been documented in much detail. It’s a shame we lost that final lesson, you’re welcome to complete your project at a future time if you like!