The link to the padlet is attached below:
My Rough Sketches:
Design Ideas for glasses
Observational drawing practice
Design idea concept
Mind Map for eyeglasses
Design Ideas
Idea Matrix
Orthographic Drawing (To practice perspective drawings)
Vector drawing practice for shapes
Holding shift, vector drawing practice
Basic en tool vector drawing
Vector eyeglasses ideas and designs
Reflection: Before there were lines overlapping making the eyeglasses unable to become connected and as one piece. The ideas came swarming out of me and that is one thing that went well. I also had chances to further develop them as well. I had some technical issues with the laser cutting form which delayed the prototype being cut out. I would improve maybe some of the shapes and details of the eyeglasses to make them more efficient and creative! 🙂 I would prefer using acrylic for the materials since it could create a stary feeling since I wanted the theme to relate to the night sky and astronauts.
Final Vector Design
The above are the prototypes made from multiple versions of cardboard cuts
Final product
Poster for my final pair of eyeglasses:
Eyeglasses by Marissa
My eyeglasses are mainly focused on the theme of the galaxy. Since usually the galaxy would be represented as a dark color, in my opinion, the galaxy could be represented with bright and light colors, symbolizing our bright and powerful future. My eyeglasses are a type of unique design that doesn’t have specific functions or uses, mainly for fashion and for fun! The audience would then be students willing to try out some changes with their eyewear for creative shapes & materials, but also unique designs as well.