Independent Reading Reflection

Since the latest reflection, I have finished reading AntiGoddess, a fantasy fiction, and have just started reading Only Time Will Tell, a historical fiction. For AntiGoddes, the storyline seems well developed and there is a frequent change in perspective, allowing readers to understand the thoughts and opinions of diverse characters.

For the novel Only Time Will Tell, I have only started reading the first few chapters but the historical background and characters from the novel is fascinating. The story is set in 1920, in the backstreets of Bristol, a young boy named Harry Clifton seeks opportunities for a better future and decides whether to apply for Oxford. So far, Harry questions his father’s death that took place during the Great War, but clues given from neighbors, co-workers and family members have all reached a dead-end. With the hopes of having a brighter future, Harry joins the local choir, proving to have a lovely and talented singing voice, therefore, earning a choral scholarship that helps him successfully get into St. Bede’s. Predictions made from the text could be that the truth of Harry’s father’s death may be unexpected and meaningful.

Of the texts I have read, I think I would choose Only Time Will Tell for my independent essay. This novel makes me relate to The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, their links to society are similar. Harry’s life is limited and restricted due to his social class, whereas Junior’s future is impacted by his race and culture. Issues within the novel are poverty and the beliefs people held, Jeffrey Archer presents the struggles faced by Harry through the setting, characterization, symbolism and the exposition of the plot.

One major concern for me is whether this novel includes enough context for a well-written literary analysis essay.

Socratic Seminar Feedback


I have done a great job of asking open-ended questions while elaborating on other people’s thoughts throughout the discussion. I have also not interrupted others during the conversation and was fully prepared for the seminar.


I have not included enough of the effect of the techniques and language choices or considered further interpretations beyond the novel.

Goals for next time:

To make clearer claims with more precise evidence and to elaborate more on the effects of techniques and language choices.

Steps for achieving my goal:

I should cite more from the novel (Pg #) to further support my claim and to make connections and links with other sources, not just reviewing the content of the novel, but to show deeper understanding and interpretations beyond.

Lamp Design

What has been working so far?

So far, my ideas of combining the various pieces together to form a lamp have been pretty successful.

What I’m unsure about:

So far, I am not certain about the backside of the lamp since I haven’t pictured/thought of the design and combinations yet.

How does your lamp respond to your user?

My lamp responds to my user by presenting the user’s interest through patterns, designs, and characters on and within the lamp. Like telling a story for the user. The existence of the lamp is symbolizing the interest and preferences of the user, therefore making the user feel at home and comfortable.


Age: 12+

Budget: Parent’s Money (150 RMB +)

Interest: Art, architecture, animals, cartoons, games

Preference: Decorative, night/lighting lamp, creative


Patterns                                              Idea 1                                                Idea 2

Idea concept: Using the one idea concept and creating as many idea sketches as possible. (3D)

Rough Model (1st Inspiration)


Plastic: rough/smooth + transparent


-Night light



Inspiration from Monument Valley:

Half-finished prototype


 Raven (M.V Character 1)    Ida (M.V character 2)

Sketches and inspirations  Final version of sketch/inspiration


Wood, half-transparent material, and 3D printed plastic.

Why is your lamp design a good response to your design brief?

My lamp design involves the use of characters from monument valley (a game that involves fascinating architecture styles and stories.) The lamp could basically be put anywhere in the house, with light shining up from the bottom and lighting the “stage”, telling the stories from within.

The function of the lamp:

The function of the lamp I design clearly meets all standards of the user’s needs. Being decorative, creative, and also a night lamp.

The form of the lamp:

The lamp takes the form of a box, with multiple characters with interesting stories to tell. The light would be placed on the bottom of the box. The half-transparent pieces allow the light to shine through the box creating “a theatre” within.


There were various challenges when I started this project. One was when using wood glue to stick the wooden pieces together. The pieces were hard to stay still with and a lot of patience was needed. Another challenge was having to change the ideas and path through the middle of the process. The last challenge was having the exact measurements for the pieces in order for them to fit through and having them well glued together.

Reading Reflection #2: For the Win

I have started a new book called “For the Win” after finishing “A Thousand Pieces of You”. The overall impression of my first novel was that I enjoyed the plot twists and mysteries being revealed throughout the development of the novel. But however, I think the author should collaborate slightly more on the ending since it seemed too brief and cut short.

For my second novel – “For the Win”, I’ve read to the 53rd page of the novel. The author used the different perspectives of characters within the novel. The author’s main message was to reflect how many people around the world have similar statuses and struggles with their lives and careers. For example, a girl called Mala was being paid to destroy other players’ resources to benefit the game producers, while our main character Wei-Dong was being paid for hacking into the system to find gold, selling them to other players in demand. In my personal opinion, I find this book slightly boring since it is game-related. I got no interest in how people game and the consequences of getting caught red-handed by their parents, the enemies they make within the video game or even the conflicts and struggles in reality gamers are facing due to their actions and behaviors. So, I decided to abandon this novel to find another novel that interests me more.

Reading Reflection #1- “A Thousand Pieces of You”

“A Thousand Pieces of You” is fiction in the genre of adventure and mystery. This novel is about how Margurite, with the help of Theo, tries to figure and track down the murderer of her dad. They were in possession of two firebirds-a creation invented by Meg’s mother and father to travel through dimensions.

There are questions I want to ask the text are about after one of the main characters, Maguarite has moved on to another dimension, what has happened to the people and her other self left behind? Whether or not they still have the memory of two souls sharing a body. From the beginning of the novel, I have predicted that Paul (another main character) may not be the murderer Meg and Theo were hunting for and that during the crossings of dimensions, accidents to all at least 2 of them would occur. I also assumed that there would be a bigger plot happening, waiting for me to uncover as the story develops.

Product Design-Eyeglasses

The link to the padlet is attached below:

My Rough Sketches:

Design Ideas for glasses

Observational drawing practice     

Design idea concept

Mind Map for eyeglasses

Design Ideas 

Idea Matrix

Orthographic Drawing (To practice perspective drawings)

Vector drawing practice for shapes

 Holding shift, vector drawing practice

Basic en tool vector drawing

Vector eyeglasses ideas and designs

Reflection: Before there were lines overlapping making the eyeglasses unable to become connected and as one piece. The ideas came swarming out of me and that is one thing that went well. I also had chances to further develop them as well. I had some technical issues with the laser cutting form which delayed the prototype being cut out. I would improve maybe some of the shapes and details of the eyeglasses to make them more efficient and creative! 🙂 I would prefer using acrylic for the materials since it could create a stary feeling since I wanted the theme to relate to the night sky and astronauts.

Final Vector Design


The above are the prototypes made from multiple versions of cardboard cuts

    Final product

Poster for my final pair of eyeglasses:

Eyeglasses by Marissa

My eyeglasses are mainly focused on the theme of the galaxy. Since usually the galaxy would be represented as a dark color, in my opinion, the galaxy could be represented with bright and light colors, symbolizing our bright and powerful future. My eyeglasses are a type of unique design that doesn’t have specific functions or uses, mainly for fashion and for fun! The audience would then be students willing to try out some changes with their eyewear for creative shapes & materials, but also unique designs as well.

Design Challenge

The problem for us to solve is to decrease the number of distractions in the design areas and students & teachers could be greatly affected. I’m thinking of using physical barriers to reduce noise and other distractions by using adjustable /moveable soundproof glass and water

A brief summary of my inspirations:

My original idea was to form a barrier using blocks, (hexagons/cubes) to better reduce noise but later thought it wouldn’t be as “opened” and free as adjustable glass so I changed my mind.

(The mask gave me the idea of a foldable glass barrier since the shapes are similar)

(Brainstormed ideas for possible solutions)

(Ultimate Idea)

(Quick basic perspective sketch)

(Design on iPad)

Poster Link:


Listening, reading novels that I enjoy/prefer, speaking (but not publicly)

To write an essay in a short period of time, public speaking, reading random articles to analyze, grammar.

Studying and working in group projects.

Being lazy, in a loud environment while learning/studying.

By reading books and writing journals, I could improve my reading & writing. I have achieved this when my english vocabulary improves in my writing and to fluently use the structures/ideas of storylines in books.