Day One Simulation Reflection



Today in Humanities, we simulated ancient civilizations’ daily life. We were required to create our own language, laws, and race to build to secret invention. Each group randomly owned different resources, you will have to trade for other resources if it’s needed in your group. The main goal was to finish all the creating/planing, so that your team will successfully open the secrect blueprint of the temple.

During the Early-Civilization simulation activity, I personally worked on writing our laws, after I finished, I contributed in building the secret invention. We divided all the jobs, each person gets the chance to pick the job that they’re most interested in. I choose to work on writing 5 laws. I decided to write 5 different laws form each important category, for example: If you get caught robbing others, you’ll have to stay in prison for 3 months.

Fortunately, our group got everything we needed except for one fork. We wanted to trade with the other groups but there was no one who was willing to trade with us. The trade circle wasn’t really “active”. Everyone was just working in their own groups, and people started panicking at the last minute. That’s also one mistake that we made.

Our biggest accomplishment as a civilization/group was that we finished everything that was required on the list (including our top-secrect invention:) ) We collaborated as a team very well, everyone was able to find a job that they were interested in. No one was left out, and we used our time efficiently.

Something we would like to improve: be the active group in the trading circle; because all we did was waiting for someone to come, it might help if we just go and ask. This part wasted 1/3 of our time, getting the result of we finished building the invention but didn’t have enough time to try it out on our own. Our weakest point as a civilization was too we all worked on one small task at the same time (waiting to trade) so we ended up with not enough time to try out the invention! :(((








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