
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

The American Revolution Brought to You by Taxation

I have learned a lot by studying  American Revolution and Russian Revolution. My own understanding is that in revolution or war people should good at use strategy. In the American Revolution, I think the American Revolutionaries have found their own way to change the war to the way they can control.  For historical ideas are, Life and liberty everyone is equal. Furthermore, I noticed that in Revolution or war spirit of unity is pretty important!



  1. It’s a clear video that helped me to have a quick understand in the American Revolution. I learned how it started with the disagreement on the taxing and how it developed. I learned the Boston Tea Party between British and American and they tried to be peace afterward but decided to be independent at last.

  2. The video of their group is very clear, explaining the end of the revolution and the situation at that time very completely. I learned that in The American Revolution, texing led to the war.

  3. The video of their group is very clear, explaining the end of the revolution and the situation at that time very completely. I learned that in The American Revolution, taxing led to the war.

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