Jianbing is a Chinese tradition food. We are going to interview the jianbing makers. We are going to ask them seven questions.
问题 questions
- 为什么您要选择做煎饼? Why did you choose to make jianbing
- 做煎饼挣钱吗?can you earn a lot of money making jianbing
- 做煎饼难吗?is it hard to make jianbing
- 能告诉我做煎饼的方法吗?can you tell us the ways to make jianbing
- 煎饼有几种?how many kinds of jianbing are there
- 做煎饼很好玩吗?is it fun to make jianbing
- 做煎饼需要几种材料?what do you need to make jianbing
I chose Jianbing in One day because I think jianbing is a Chinese tradition food and is really taste, I ate jianbing before, when I was first time to ate jianbing, I felt it’s a really tasty food that I’ve been eat it.
- The thing that I think I did well is we tired
This is the video we made:<iframe src=”http://isbtube.isb.bj.edu.cn/media/embed?key=f3fddd1a9ba671ce9acfb9372c69b9d6&width=720&height=405&autoplay=false&autolightsoff=false&loop=false&chapters=false&related=false&responsive=false” width=”720″ height=”405″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe>
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