5 vocab #1


Moral: concerned with the principles of right and wrong. Sentence:

Extraterrestrial: of or from outside the earth or its atmosphere: searches for extraterrestrial intelligence. Sentence: 

Sinner: A person who transgresses against divine law by committing an immoral act or acts. Sentence: 

Epidemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time: a flu epidemic. Sentence: 

Utopia: An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. Sentence: `

Euphoria: A feeling of intense excitement. Sentence: The euphoria of success will make you want to continue training.

Prometheus: A demigod, one of the Titans, who was worshiped by craftsmen. Sentence: The statue of Prometheus was right in front of me.

Fury: One of the deadly creature that hangs in the underworld. Percy Jackson’s teacher Ms.Dodds was the Fury of the underworld.

Biases: A project with strong opinions against sth. Sentence: This article does not include any biases because this article does not include any opinions of the author.=)

Satyr: In greek art a men with horse ear and tail, in roman tails a men with goad horns and legs.  Sentence: Percy Jackson’s friend Grover is a Satyr.

Placable: I am bot the most placable place when it comes to reading.

Bish: As the game goes on, people realizes that the player was bish.

Tidal: The pond in my compound was not tidal.

Consent: I gave consent for using my picture in the video.

Aisle: On the graduation ceremony, we were asked to walk through the aisle and enter the stage.


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