Science 9 Engineering Project Phase 2: Develop & Plan

We wanted to create something that is creative at the same time effectively serves the purpose of this project (representing energy conversion). We evaluated the doability of both our plans and settled on a design that reflects both a decent level of difficulty as well as originality.

We want to create a car that is controlled by volume. There will be a sound detector on the car that is connected to the motor that detects volume. The car will then move depending on the level of the volume around. We have encountered some difficulties in coding


  1. Connect a code to the microphone to ensure the Arduino Uno reacts when sound is detected (Class 1)
    1. Learn the basics of C++ (coding language in Arduino)
    2. Research the connection between a microphone and Arduino Uno
  2. Connect a motor shelter to the Arduino Uno and the microphone so motors are activated when the Arduino Uno detects a signal from the microphone (Class 2)
    1. Research connection between motor control and Arduino Uno
    2. Code for Arduino Uno that activates the motor
  3. Construct a car that holds all the components

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