Impact Project: Workshop Project Blog Post #5 (E-Learning)

During online learning, I spent all my time working on ArchiCAD to create digital drawings of the current design for the workshop. I was able to develop my skills with these drawings, which was something I had wanted to work on during this course. I began to get more familiar with ArchiCAD and also the models needed for architecture. For example, I learnt how to include dimensions on the drawings. These dimensions are also an element of architectural drawings that are important. I also was able to develop skills that allowed me to model the correct roof or add bars onto the windows.

Exploring ArchiCAD was also something that I enjoyed. Not only did I learn more about how to use it, I also was able to present my drawings in a different way. Creating renderings was something that I especially enjoyed because the pictures turned out to show details that I didn’t think could be portrayed. This example shows the sunlight coming through the windows and glass door.


I made an impact on people during this E-Learning period because I had the opportunity to present my current design to Ross and also Miiro and Aisha. Coach Peter was also emailed the presentation. This allowed me to show my work and receive feedback from them to see how my design can best benefit the MCC. After presenting to Ross, I made some refinements according to his feedback, such as changing the glass door on the western side to a metal door or adding bars to the windows. This change was made to ensure that the workshop is secure as tools and bikes are valuable in Masaka.

Before Feedback:

After Feedback:

Presenting also made a big impact on me because I was able to see Ross and Miiro’s reactions to my design. Overall, they were really happy with the design and had positive reactions. It was surreal but exciting moment to see their reactions because it made me realise how far this project has come and how much I have achieved. It is still strange to think that this design and these drawings could be used to build the actual workshop. I’m proud of what I’ve done and happy to see that the design has met Ross and Miiro’s expectations.

I have sent Ross and email asking about the needed measurements and information to continue refining the design. While the measurements and materials are being considered, a cost estimate will also be completed. Having the information will allow for me to make necessary adjustments.


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