Summative Socratic Seminar Review English 9

In this Socratic seminar, I expressed my ideas and views on each topic my teammates brought up. I also built on what my teammates said either by agreeing with them, disagreeing with them, or asking them questions to initiate more discussions about points I find interesting. Some things I could work on are maybe reading deeper into extracts from the book to support the points I make better and also managing the time better.  A new insight I gained in this seminar was how writers link small details, for example, chapter titles, to big parts of the story and how this makes the book more interesting to readers. An example is how the chapter titles changed from “My sister sends me an Email” to “My sister sends me a letter” to show how her condition of life became poorer. After finding out about this, from now on I will focus more on the smaller details to analyze the text/book better.

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