Translating the Mood Board into Space – PJ

My phobias are Automatonophobia and Eisotrophobia which mean fear of human-like figures and fear of mirrors respectively. This set is to be in a normal house with a family but the members of the family are all wax figures. They appear to be smiling but when you look at any one of the mirrors hanging on the wall, you would see that the wax figures are staring angrily into them. I decided to make this house very messy with dolls and shattered glass that has fallen from mirrors lying on the floor to enhance the phobias because in every corner you walk into, something related to mirrors or human-like figures will be there. (dolls=symbol of automatonophobia and broken glass=symbol for mirrors). These are repeated symbols throughout the whole set design. I decided to use different types of shapes to make the set design slightly more interesting to look at. For example, there are normal shapes like rectangles for the table and some mirrors but there are also more curved shapes for the clock and the mirrors next to it.

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