What am I doing well on?
- I am doing well in the speaking/listening and reading standards. I have improved in the reading standard because I have practised by doing more reading and annotating. I always speak out my opinions and thoughts about whatever is being discussed in class. I do collaborate with my peers whenever we are given time to discuss what we are learning. I also am responsible in terms of submitting my work on time and clarifying any questions I have.
What do I still need to work on?
- I still need to work on my writing skills. I have definitely improved from the start and the end of quarter 1, but I want to get even better, mainly using various literary devices/techniques.
What steps can I take to continue moving forward?
- I can ask my teacher whenever I need help on my writing tasks as she can help guide me and give me feedback that I can work on. I can also use tools like Grammarly to help edit my work more carefully. I can also read more books, articles, and reading material to improve my vocabulary and thought process of forming sentences. I can also use IXL to practise my writing and reading standards.