Photo Safari

The first picture is best represented by lines and shapes (the two rectangles). For the second picture, there is a square, the 4 lines that formed the square, so it is best represented by lines and shape. In the third picture, there are many tiny little dots that forms a pattern, so for the third one, patterns and shape is the best representation. For number 4 and 5, lines and shape and pattern are the three elements that are the best representation, since the lines form shapes and shapes form patterns. Number 6 has a circle in the middle of the page, so line and shape are the best representations since the curved line forms the shape, the circle. Number 7 has lines that are perpendicular to each other to form squares, therefore, lines and shapes best represent this picture. There are many little circles that form a pattern for number 8, they are arranged neatly, hence, shape and pattern are the best representations of the picture. Number 9 is just like number 7, since both have perpendicular lines to form little squares. Lines and shapes will also be the two elements that best represent this image. For number 10 and 11, there are only two lines, but they successfully form a shape with parts of the two /three sides of the square, therefore lines and shape are the best representations of the images. And last but not least, for number 12, there are many horizontal lines in the photo, therefore lines are the best representation of the image.

Photos representing icons

There are certainly some pictures that I took well and some that I didn’t.  For instance, for number 1, 5, 7, 9, and 12, I gave out the correct outlines, the elements that should be represented in the 5 images. As for the other images, some of them I didn’t capture the best image to represent them (like number 8 and 12), and some were not very appropriate (like # 3)

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