Photos Final Evaluation

Uta Barth, Andreas Gursky, and Albert Renger-Patzsch have all inspired my project. Uta Barth helped me to be able to shower my photos with light, and the last photo of my triptych represents her style. Andreas Gursky helped me to learn about geometric patterns and vertical/curvy lines, and I used the formal elements in the first photograph of my triptych. Albert Renger-Patzsch uses a style of black-and-white colors with geometric patterns, multiple layers, and different lines leading to one point inside/outside of the photograph to make the lines look longer and more persistent. The second photo of my triptych represents this style.


My images link to the inspirational images by using similar styles and using geometric patterns by different artists.


I have explored more in the subject of abstraction to help me with this project. I tried multiple layers, multiple lines pointing to one dot, curving cutting lines, vertical/horizontal lines, and repeating geometric patterns. I also mixed in the black-and-white- color style and the showering-photo-with-light style to add on to my previous works.


This triptych reflects my theme of abstraction. Abstraction is beautiful, it can provide us with a different angle to view this world, and it can also reflect the artist’s feeling very well. Adding on the black-and-white colors and the light makes the works more prominent. I chose one picture out of each of my three sets, and put them together to form my triptych, so I can compare which style works best for me.


My overall strengths are that I stick to the theme of abstract pictures, and incorporated different formal elements into one picture.





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