Electric Fan Blog Post 4: Reflect and Share

Give an overview of your design process, sharing the product and your learning.

Design Process:

  1. Gather all materials (mentioned above)
  2. Twist the sprayer onto the bottle
  3. Link the battery shell to the switch
  4. Solder the end of the lines with the DC motor
  5. Glue the motor, the switch, and the battery shell onto the spray bottle
  6. Cover the motor and battery shell with paper
  7. Add a layer of hot glue onto the paper to ensure that it stays dry
  8. Add on some designs to make the bottle more beautiful
  9. Fill the bottle with cold water
  10. Test the final product to ensure its success

What I learned from this (special thanks to Ms. Susan and Ms. Amy):

  1. I learned how to solder the wires and the motor together
  2. I learned how to twist and turn the wires into the shape that I want
  3. I learned to include tape over the paper so that the water will not wet it


Use the rubric and your own success criteria to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the product.


  1. This product is very safe and pretty, with no sharp edges, no wire exposed outside, and beautiful designs. It also has see-through tape wrapped around it so that the paper and the motor will not get wet
  2. This product successfully serves the purpose of helping young people doing sports to cool down by providing cool water and wind (though a limited amount)


  1. As mentioned above, the amount of of wind power is limited and needs refinement
  2. The battery is not environmentally friendly. It would be better if I changed the battery to a solar panel
  3. I should also rinse the bottle to make the water even cleaner to use


Explain how and why your toy/device meets the design specifications.

My device meets the design specifications because:

  1. It successfully converts electrical energy to kinetic energy
  2. It is safe to use (no sharp edges and no battery exposed)
  3. It is light weight and easy to carry (convenient)
  4. It is pretty (beautiful decorations)
  5. It can successfully help young people doing sports to cool down by providing cool water and wind


Other reflections: What are you most proud of? What was the most challenging?

  1. I am most proud of my beautiful decorations, how perfectly the wires and the motor connect together, and the neatness of the paper covering the bottle
  2. I believe the most challenging was soldering the wires and the motor together and tangling the wires into the formation that I want, since I failed multiple times, but I finally succeeded

Electric Fan Blog Post 3: Create and Improve

Reflect on your prototype. What were some strengths? What needs refinements?


  • It looks beautiful
  • It is safer for young people doing sports to use since the battery is not exposed and there are no sharp edges
  • It produces both wind and cold water (refreshing)
  • accessible
  • easy to operate


  • not enough wind power
  • battery is not environmentally friendly
  • clean the bottle to make the water cleaner


Outline the feedback you received from peers. Share some changes you will make as a result of this feedback.

  1. Above are the feedback that I received from Valeriana and Catherine
  2. Changes that I will make if I had more time and access to more materials:
  • I will change the fan so that it generates enough wind power
  • I will change the battery to make it more environmentally friendly
  • I will wash and rinse the bottle to make the water even cleaner to use


Include photos of your prototype and details of the feedback received.

Detailed feedback:

  1. If I had the time, I would have changed the fan into a bigger size so that it will generate more wind power
  2. If I had the time and the materials, I would have switched the battery to a solar panel to make it more environmentally friendly
  3. If I had the time, I would have rinsed the bottle to make the water even cleaner to use

Electrical Fan Blog Post 2: Develop and Plan

Explain how you used design thinking practices to arrive at this iteration of your toy/device:

  • My initial thought was to design a fan that not only brings cool air but also sprays cold water, so that young people doing sports will be more comfortable, especially in the summer.
  • My plan is to use a motor, a bottle, a fan, a switch, and a battery shell to create a fan that sprays water, and then glue paper on the bottle to make it more beautiful and the usage safer.

Show your design concept:

***Show photos, measurements, materials, and techniques needed for construction.

Materials needed:

  1. DC motor
  2. On/Off Switch
  3. 9v Battery
  4. 9v Connector
  5. propeller (blue, 4-sided)
  6. water sprayer
  7. Bottle
  8. Hot glue
  9. Scissors and clear glue
  10. Two sheets of paper (purple and white)


  1. Using Hot Glue to glue things together
  2. Cut shapes out of paper
  3. Solder the wire with the motor

Develop a detailed plan for creating the preferred design, including success criteria:

  1. Gather all materials (mentioned above)
  2. Twist the sprayer onto the bottle
  3. Link the battery shell to the switch
  4. Solder the end of the lines with the DC motor
  5. Glue the motor, the switch, and the battery shell onto the spray bottle
  6. Cover the motor and battery shell with paper
  7. Add a layer of hot glue onto the paper to ensure that it stays dry
  8. Add on some designs to make the bottle more beautiful
  9. Fill the bottle with cold water
  10. Test the final product to ensure its success

The success criteria is that the paper shall not be wet, you need to know how everything works, and most importantly, you have people who are willing to help you (special thanks to Ms. Amy and Ms. Susan for their help :))) )

Electrical Fan Blog Post 1: Define and Inquire

What is the purpose—How does your device function, and who is your user?

  • The purpose of my electrical fan is to help young people doing sports cool down. It converts electric energy to kinetic energy.
  • My device is small enough and lightweight to be held in one hand. A small 4-sided propeller is located in the center. There is a bottle and a handle close to the fan, when you press the handle, small amounts of cool water will be extracted. I will also add in decorations on the bottle and encase the battery to make it more beautiful and safer for young people to use.

What is the environmental impact of your project and is it durable and safe?

  • The materials that I need for my project are reusable water bottles and plastic and wires, which are environmentally friendly. My product is very durable since it is possible to refill the bottle with cool water, and it is also safe, since there are no sharp edges, and the user will not cut him/herself.

What precedents inspired you? What did you take away from them and how did it inform your choices?

  • The precedents of small electrical fans and water sprayers inspired me, and I thought it might be a good idea to decorate the bottle a bit more and make it safer by encasing the batteries.

How are you making your product original and/or using creativity?

  • Although I am not doing anything new in creating the water sprayer and the fan, my creativity comes into play when I encase the batteries and add in decorations to make my product more beautiful and safer for young people doing sports.