The biggest challenge getting all of the holes cut out of the door. This was challenging because you needed to get all of the right measurement and fitting than on there without ripping the paper. This was very had because you needed your measurement exactly on so when you dry fit it would not fit than you would have to go back do it again. Skills that I learned or developed were my measuring skills because I had to go back to the door twice to get some new measurements. I have recently tested my measuring skill and gotten a bit better. If I did this again, one thing I would do differently is my partner (how shall not be named) didn’t show up for the sessions after school and did barely nothing didn’t help allot only if I asked him to do something. For my designs they came out of my head, I saw nothing that appealed to me so I located some of my culters because this is around easter and like chines new year it is full of new biggings like blooming trees.
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