is delivering raw ingredients and our criteria are the velocity of the drop (m/s): lands with a speed of 1m/s to 2m/s, the accuracy of the drop: It must land 50cm within the target and condition of product: The product inside the package must be not harmed. Me and my partner are figuring out how the shape and size of the spill hole will affect the accuracy and softness of the landing.

According to round parachute are better because they are very reliable, can carry heavyweights.  According to, the round parachute is good for a nice clean almost straight decent. for the research that a circle canopy is the best it meets our criteria.


1) Clear the landing area of people

2) Person A: Set up the iPad on the shelf in a position that the camera would see the origin line (the X on the floor). This is necessary for logger pro as you need an origin.

3) Person B: Connect the package to the hook machine over the balcony.

4) Person B: Flip the switch on of the box (main power source) attached on the sliver. After that, turn on the remote.

5) Person B: Vocally warn your teammates with a five-second countdown. Person A: Press record on the iPad as soon as Person B starts counting to ensure a full scene of the package falling.

6) Person B: Press the B button (the release button) on the right side of the remote.

7) After your package has dropped press the on the B button on the right-bottom side of the remote to re-position the hook.

8) After the box has landed and stopped moving, stop the video and trim out the ineffective bits.

9) Repeat steps 1 to 9 at least three times.

10) Turn off the remote and the box (main power source) attached to the silver.

11) Send everybody the videos.

12) Analyze videos on Logger pro and insert the results into the data table.