
"I have no special talent." - Albert Einstein

Author: Ryan (page 1 of 5)

S&E 2 Week Project D&P




I was thinking of have sound ad at the end result of the energy transfer and that the project should be some thing like a toy fo kid. I also want that the sonsept to be easy to understand so that a toddler should be able to do it

So, this was my first design and I was just going to have like a square tank thing as the body and I was still working out the size and proportions of the design and I didn’t have much time left to design and make the project so I decide to change my direction for planning

This was my final design because I decided to just copy the design of the toy. I found all the dimensions on the internet and made the line and sketched out the rest free hand.

Also I put in the place where the toy will break for the 3d printing and where all the holes should be.

S&E 2 Week Project D&I


In this project I have some objectives like having a transfer of energy, have a clear demographic, be creative but keep it safe, try to be environmentally friendly, functioning, and looks good

For this project my constraints are going to be the time, the limit number of materials and my skill level.



Buzzy Bee

The reason I like this I because the simple energy transfer from kinetic energy to sound energy.

Birdy Desk Toy

I like the simplistic and the was the heat transfer that makes it moves infinitely



In this project I am going to have a demographic of children and that means that my project will be more like a toy. I want it to be colourful and be able to keep the attention of a child also I want something like the nose in the Buzzy Bee. To create this, I will need to learn how to use Fusion 360 and to module all the holes. Also, figure out how to make the sound.


paper menagerie CER

In Ken Liu’s fantasy story “Paper Menagerie” the protagonist name paper menagerie symbolises his relationship with his mother. Since the paper menagerie si one of the first thing he can remember from a young age. Since he can remember paper menagerie from a young age He can remember paper menagerie from a young age like how the motherly relationship storts a very young are.It also one of the first things that he can remember about his mother and the menagerie.Secondly, the opening of the box is also an example.Because when he opens up the box again and that is when he feels a connection to him mother by the letters.Like his mother he lost the box with the menagerie he find his mother through the animals literally because the letters are the animals sheets of paper.

On the Sidewalk Bleeding thesis

The main character in Evan Hunter’s short story entitled “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” initially believes that being a Royal is an privilege and he is happy that he is identified as an Royal, but later in the story he understand that being a Royal was the main point of his down fall and that is why no one would help him. HIs changing understanding is revealed through the use of dialogue, symbolism and identity.

  1. “… I don’t want to get mixed up in this. He’s a Royal. We help him, and the Guardians’ll be down our necks. I don’t want to get mixed up in this, Angela.”
  2. ” This is for you, Royal”
  3. “His name is Andy” …. ” A Royal, ” he said. Then he began writing

A link in the chain


My project is a key chain. I made it so I could pass up my key chain. I made 3 because I need more to do so I made one for me, my dad and my mum.  An important part of my design is the design on each one. I put them there to express the person and what they love and are. A problem with the designs was that the line didn’t want to show. So Mr laymen thought to add out lines to the designs and them it worked. I improved on my Illustration skills. If I had to redo this project I would start a bit sooner because I was strapped for time at the end. I love my project because I made tow of them for my parents.


Smell Bot 5000

TMy inspiration for the inventions is a drone. And this is my Smell Bot 5000, it is a drone that has a Tablet the it connects via and wireless connection on the base of the drone. When you want to activate the drone you remove the the band then you throw it into the sky. When in the sky the drones propellers will automatically activate and it will fly to a suitable altitude. Then connect all of the smells then come back to you. Then you can look through them and pick one. After that it will load a map with directions and some information on the smell you picked. All you have to do is follow the directions and then you will drive at the source of the smell.

The lost Journals of Anton Rios


Some were on the typical island of Cuba. A car was driving through the dark jungle on a dirt road. A boy with his best friend and his dad. This little boy was called Anton, his friend Mario. Anton was 13 at the time, full of hope and joy but not for much longer. This boy was going to get a taste of what war is like. The one thing he will never escape from.

The world constantly changes but nothing like this. Cuba has become a hell compared to what it used to be. The government has become socialist, and it has killed many companies in Cuba. The democracy has been toppled by the dictatorship of Castro. The people with jobs who work on farms and plantations have lost their jobs. The communist pig has traded with the corrupt Soviet Union. After the Americas cut relations with Cuba, the Soviet Union came in and took Cuba for themselves.


Even though there is change, it has not changed everything. The poverty of the people has not changed. Cuba could never stand on its own. Without trade, Cuba will die. Cuba’s industries haven’t changed. They still deal with sugar and nothing else. They are still trading with a world power like America, but it is the USSR.



  • first picture: https://www.britannica.com/event/Vietnam-War#/media/1/628478/215046

Ryan.Q Light box project

In making this lightbox, I think that my biggest success was my planning I would say that my very detailed and that was a massive help with the rest of the lightbox painting and transferring the plan to Illustrator, but, the painting would be my biggest obstacle because I have a very detailed plan so painting these part is very difficult. A skill I have improved on was my illustrator. Overall, I think my lightbox was a success. Because in my opinion the box looks good and all my layers come together and my lighting light up the sky like how I imagined it.



Colony to Country Cubas story

Today we will be going over the tortuous tale of the Cuban Revolution. This is a tale of one man on a mission to save his country from the corrupt and evil America and in doing so almost ending the world. This man is Fedel Castro. This man saves his country from evil America and sides with the evil USSR and becoming a socialist country.

This is the tale of The Cuban Revolution

As an immigration officer, I may not always agree with your point of view But I can see where you are coming from.

Hi, my name is Ryan and my book is called Flesh and blood so cheap and the author name is Albert Marrin. My book is about the life of Italian and Russian jews Immigrant moving too America and find work. But when they get there they find that life in America isn’t as luxurious as they thought. My theme statement is: When power is given to the wrong people Bad decisions are made and the safety of the workers is forgotten. I don’t think you should read this book because it is very boring. The book is full of facts and information. Also, the is lacking in a narrative theme and I proffer more of a narrative in a story not just lots of facts. In this book, I have learnt lots of thing in this book but most is that when people have learnt that when power is given to the wrong people that the safety and care for the people under them is completely forgotten. Also, those sweatshops are the worst place to work and being an Immigrant in America back then.
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