
"I have no special talent." - Albert Einstein

Author: Ryan (page 2 of 5)

The murder of civilions that were had done nothing wrong both side did it, but who is worst?

The Boxers do deserve their bad rap because of their action but the British do as well because of what they did. During the boxer rebellion, there was a  governor, that had supported the Boxers, he let all of the foreigners into his house and into the courtyard saying that they would be safe but when they were all there, he opened the doors and let the Boxers in, and all the foreigners were massacred by the Boxers. This shows that the Boxers and their supporter when not afraid to kill people that had done nothing wrong but be there. This implies that the Boxers were incredible violent with there actions and how they treated the foreigners that they had captured.


Helena the an egotistical woman?

Smart by Ryan Quigley

Midsummer nights dream by William Shakespeare. I chose Helena because she was the character seemed interesting to me how she would bitterly her good friend for a man that doesn’t even like her. The person that I picked for my magazine picture was Amber Heard because she messed up with her friend. I am proud of my claim because they seem on generic an unique.


Midsummers night dream

Me A Humanitist

How to Donate Hair for Charity – Infographics by Ryan Quigley


MY name is Ryan and I am 70% a humanist because I love science and learning things like that. But I am not a Classical Culture/ history person I prefer to look to the future for our answers. I think that I do do this because have humanities every day at school so feel like I match up with this one. And last but not least there is balance, I do this in my like. For example, I like the balance in games Ect.




A Sound Of Thunder!


Did you know about the butterfly effect, is the idea that small things can have a big effect later on like a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon in the future. Like in the story they go back to the Jurassic era Mr Eckles is running from a Titanosaurus rex antecedently steppes on a butterfly, and that changes the future when they get back. I think the big idea of the story is that when you get scared you can make mistakes or do something wrong by accident.

In the story “A Sound Of Thunder”, by Ray Bradbury, the author believes that fear sometimes leads to more problems and mistakes when making a stressful decision. When the dinosaur apiaries and they catch a glimpse of it, Mr Eckles exclaimed; “Didn’t REALIZE it would be this BIG! MISCALCULATED!  Now I want out! Get me out!” (Bradbury page 4). This is the fear that can lead to mistakes like stepping off the path or accidentally killing something and change something in that future. As the story continues and that gets back to the present they find that it has changed Eckels sat down “NO! it CAN’T be! NOT a little thing like that! NOT a thing like that! NOT a BUTTERFLY!” (Bradbury page 7). This is the fear and stress of not dying can make bad diction making just like running and accidentally stepping on the butterfly.

To sum up, my points when you make decisions under stress or fear you can make a big mistake or do something wrong. So, think about what decision you can make that will help you in the future.

Ryan.Q CERER paragraph

My Found Poem


My found poem has used the word from Ralph Fletcher’s book, the last kiss. The conflict Is an external one because the problem is with him and his dad Man vs Man. Our protagonist the kid normally has 2 kisses before bed one from his dad and one from his mum. But that night something happens that is him that is kinda a culture shock he doesn’t get his kiss from his dad that makes him the antagonist. So my poem has the antagonist is the father because in the kid’s eyes not getting a kiss from his dad was doing something wrong by not giving him a kiss. The protagonist him. It also shows how he was deprived of his kiss from his dad and kind of a culture shock for him. So the trees show how hi growing up and final tree show how as you get older some things just stop happening like the kisses and how the sunset represents how things change.



Ralph Fletcher


Sci project

Mythbust Prototype

How can I make this much better and will I need and full script or shall I improvise it. A way I think I can engage the audience is by asking the audience questions and look at them.

DIY Vodka Hand Sanitizer EXPOSED

This is my website:

jerry baker.com

These are my sources:

Reflection 1 + 1


In the video, I am putting all the things I have practised over the week.

Looking back on this project, I learned how to properly turn on my skateboard and stay on it longer. My biggest fail was when I actually fell off my skateboard twice ones the second day I was on holiday a yesterday.

Create and Improve 2

My original goals were to practice my turning and try to stay on my board for 5 minutes. Today I had one challenge the Skratch on my knee hurt a bit when I was practising but nothing ells really bugged me.

IMG_0041                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                In this video, I am practising my turning around a corner.

My goal for tomorrow is to just practice. All of the things I have been doing like turning and staying on my board.

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