
"I have no special talent." - Albert Einstein

Author: Ryan (page 3 of 5)

Create and Improve

My goals are to where to get better at turning and staying on my board for longer. Two challenges today were getting used to the terrain I full over 3 times one of them scraped my knee. An ah-a moment was when I fell over and I thought is there somewhere easier to skate so I got up and found the ground on the hotel was perfect for me to practice


In this video, I am attempting to head down the hallways of my floor.

A goal for tomorrow is to practice my turning.

Develop and Plan

Sorry, I can’t have a picture because I am travelling today I am sorry.

Challenges that I will face is the terrain I find it hard to skate on the bumpy or rocky ground, another challenge getting used to skating I haven’ skated in tow days and I need to get back in the grove of skating again. At the end of the project, I hope to be able to turn alright and stay on my skateboard for extended times.

Define and Inquire

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This is my skateboard

My research questions were how can I stay on my skateboard for 5 mins? My second one was how can I turn on my board? What I found for my turning was tic tacking this is where you lift up the front of the bord and turn it in the direction that you are going (Spencer Nuzzi/2013)and the second one was leaning on my board can turn it. ( Andy/2017)I didn’t find a direct way to keep on my board longer but I did find some tips like keep riding your board as much as you can and surround you with people that are better than you so you can pick up go tips and they can push you to your limits. (Jesse/2020)

Works Cited

How-To Ride a Skateboard – BASICS with Spencer Nuzzi. Performance by Spencer Nuzzi RIDE channel, RIDE channel, 2013. You Tube, Spencer Nuzzi, www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_3T3HkYXNw. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.

How to skateboard for beginners. Performance by Andy Schrock Andyschrock, Andyschrock, 2017. YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNlJ1s5pVB4. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.

Skate zone, Jesse Silva. “7 Helpful Skateboard Tips and Tricks for Beginners.” Skate zone, Jesse Silva, 21 Feb. 2020, skateszone.com/7-easy-skateboard-tips-and-tricks-for-beginners/. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.

Driving Question Reflection

As Project Collision shifted due to the Covid-19 virus from a collaborative school project to an individual home project, a big challenge that I faced was trying to get everything ready this was the hardest. When times got harder if I couldn’t find something or I lost something I would just focus on the activity or action that I had to do and that would help me get through. The mindset that I had was that not everything is going to be there when we continue so you will have to find what to do it yourself. Over the many weeks that we have been doing the project, my thing has not changed much. Like you need more than one design integers to collect data. Looking back on Collision, I learned that you need good and reliable data so when you support your claim with this data you can confident when you write it up or present it. One area where data supported my thinking was the landing place. Our criteria were 50cm and the range from my data was 60cm to and 50cm (rounded) and the parachute with slivers was 50cm on average and this was the best also it was the only one that met the criteria.

collition post 5

Hi everyone last time I checked up I was at home a virus has been sweeping through the world nothing really has changed I but security at the complex has gotten tighter. As you should know already me and my team Bomb.com is a drone delivery series that uses drones to deliver you ingredients so you can have the home-cooked meal without having to leave your house. Our criteria are the velocity of the drop (m/s): Lands with a speed of 1m/s to 2m/s, Accuracy of the drop: It must land 50cm within the target and Condition of the product: The product inside the package must be not harmed. My research question is how the shape and size of the spill hole will affect the velocity, accuracy and softness of the landing.

For my design iterations, the contents are the size of the parachute, shape and length of strings. Then the variable for my design is the holes in the parachute.

no hole: In the name, this parachute is the black one it has no holes in it. The challenge for this one was to find a bag that I could cut without having to smelt to bag together. This parachute dose the best for velocity, at a speed of 2.384 m/s.                                                                                                                                                                     one-hole: In the name, this parachute is the see-through one that has a big spill hole in the middle. The challenge was getting the right sized spill hole I looked around my house I couldn’t find anything so I had to hand draw it. An from the data is that this parachute was the intermediate of the bunch like the landing accuracy of 55cm can the range was 59cm to 50cm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                little slivers Now the final on is the one with the slaver. The challenge was getting to make the slavers I tock the cut-out spill hole and cut it up like a pizza then I lay then on the parachute and cut the holes out. Now for my best, it has the best of landing accuracy and bounces like it only have one bounce and the rest have more than one.



Some challenges that I faced was trying to set up the drop zone I had to think of different ways to try and get the 50cm drop radius. Now I had to get the 1-metre scale for logger pro. But some positives was that I almost had the right height from the drops and I had some help from my dad to video the drops. For the no hole parachute range is 5m/s to 2m/s, one hole range is 4m/s to 3m/s and slivers range is 5m/s to  4m/s. The mean velocity from all of the tests is 3.7715m/s and my outlier is 2.384 m/s(from the one hole testing). That is 1.3875m/s from the overall average of 3.7715m/s.

In this investigation, the aim was to assess how changing the number of holes would affect Velocity, Accuracy and Condition of the product after the drop. This project was undertaken to design a variety of parachutes and evaluate velocity, accuracy and softness of the landing. My tests confirmed that the parachute with slivers met most of my criteria. My test shows that the velocity of the slivers is the worst (ie the fastest) out of all of them, 4.298 m/s not the best because it’s the furthest away from the criteria that are 1 to 2 m/s. It also doesn’t help with Newton’s third law.

Now for that accuracy tests. Out of the three different other parachutes tested, the slivers design parachute was the closest to meeting our criteria of 50cm with 50cm on average (mean). The other part of the accuracy is how many times it bounced which can also affect the condition of the package because when it bounces it could break on the second impact with the ground. The package with slivers bounced 1 ( most of the other designs bounced at least twice). Statistically, the multiple holes parachute is then the best design for our final product.

collision post 4

Hi everyone so I am stuck at home doing school work because of the coronavirus but have been able to get some work done like my first home make parachute is complete and I just need to set up my drop zone an Ipad for testing. Me and my team Bomb.com are delivering ingredients to people at home so when this type of situation has happened and is somewhat dangerous to go outside because of the virus you can get a great home-cooked meal without having to leave your house. our criteria are:

  • The velocity of the drop (m/s): Lands with a speed of 1m/s to 2m/s
  • Accuracy of the drop: It must land 50cm within the target.
  • Condition of the product: The product inside the package must be not harmed.

My research question is how the shape and size of the spill hole will affect the accuracy and softness of the landing. I am going to make a change to everything. (box, string and parachute) I am going to make everything smaller by half like the diameter on the canopy is now 37.5 cm. I am making a change to the variable drop hight it is now 3.7m or 370 cm. Also what I will be using in my data table it used to be the max speed and now it is the speed right before the box hits the ground but everything else will stay the same.


1) Clear the landing area of people.

2) Person A: Set up the iPad on the shelf in a position that the camera would capture the 1m box and at least a height of 4 meters.

3) Person B: Move the hook machine to the pole closest to you. Connect the package to the hook machine over the balcony. Then push it back 37cm.

4) Person B: Flip the switch on of the box (main power source) attached on the machine. After that, turn on the remote.

5) Person B: Vocally warn your teammates with a five-second countdown. Person A: Press record on the iPad as soon as Person B starts counting to ensure a full scene of the package falling.

6) Person B: Press the O button (the release button) on the bottom of the remote.

7) Person B: After your package has been dropped, press on the B button once more to re-position the hook.

8) Person A: After the box has landed and stopped moving, stop the video and trim out the ineffective bits.

9) Repeat steps 1 to 9 at least three times.

10) Turn off the remote and the box (main power source) attached to the machine.

11) Send everybody the videos.

12) Everyone will go onto Logger pro and record the Y-Axis Final Velocity (Right before it impacts the ground) and the accuracy of the drop (how far away from the target point).

13) We would then analyze the Data (Number of Bounces, Accuracy, etc.).

14) Insert our findings into the data table.

I am going to use the mean method to get the average of my trials.

First Build


I used:

  • plastic bags
  • iron
  • grees prof paper
  • scissors
  • marker
  • string
  • tape

collision post 3

This is of my parent’s balcony and on to mine (3.7m down)

I am going to make a change to everything. (box, string and parachute) I am going to make everything smaller by half like the diameter on the canopy is now 50 cm. I am making a change to the variable drop hight it is now 3.7m or 370 cm. Also what I will be using in my data table it used to be the max speed and now it is the speed right before the box hits the ground but everything else will stay the same. My constraint will stay the same.

project collision 2/2

Bomb.com is delivering raw ingredients and our criteria are the velocity of the drop (m/s): lands with a speed of 1m/s to 2m/s, the accuracy of the drop: It must land 50cm within the target and condition of product: The product inside the package must be not harmed. Me and my partner are figuring out how the shape and size of the spill hole will affect the accuracy and softness of the landing.

According to skydiveoc.com round parachute are better because they are very reliable, can carry heavyweights.  According to wnyskydiving.com, the round parachute is good for a nice clean almost straight decent. for the research that a circle canopy is the best it meets our criteria.


1) Clear the landing area of people

2) Person A: Set up the iPad on the shelf in a position that the camera would see the origin line (the X on the floor). This is necessary for logger pro as you need an origin.

3) Person B: Connect the package to the hook machine over the balcony.

4) Person B: Flip the switch on of the box (main power source) attached on the sliver. After that, turn on the remote.

5) Person B: Vocally warn your teammates with a five-second countdown. Person A: Press record on the iPad as soon as Person B starts counting to ensure a full scene of the package falling.

6) Person B: Press the B button (the release button) on the right side of the remote.

7) After your package has dropped press the on the B button on the right-bottom side of the remote to re-position the hook.

8) After the box has landed and stopped moving, stop the video and trim out the ineffective bits.

9) Repeat steps 1 to 9 at least three times.

10) Turn off the remote and the box (main power source) attached to the silver.

11) Send everybody the videos.

12) Analyze videos on Logger pro and insert the results into the data table.


Has this ever happened to you? You order a package and when it gets delivered you are asleep or away on holiday and someone comes and takes your package from outside your house then when you get home it is gone. When we have a solution to your problem. A drone, you may ask, why a drone?  well, first we are talking about the last mile of the delivery. Well know the real last mile it means from the post office or factory. The person that takes your package to your house or your workplace. this is the most expensive part. So people are coming up with ways to cut costs and CO2 damnation from the vehicles. They came up with drones. So the aim of our studies is to find out what kind of pressure will be the best for a slow descent, accurate landing and a soft landing.

our investigation will study: How the shape and size of the spill hole will affect the acracy and sot ness of the landing? There always constraint and criterion for this type of project. These are some of ours:

    • The velocity of the drop (m/s): Lands with a speed of 1m/s to 2m/s
    • Accuracy of the drop: It must land 50cm within the target.
    • Force when landing: A force of 1 newton? (If we could calculate this)

the variable of my testing is how many spill holes will make the best landing according to my research question. The aim of this study is to find the best shape, size, spill hole, materials and size of the strings. To get the best parachute to drop our package.

We had to do a Drop 0; this was the drop that we tested how much damage would the drop without anything to slow down the speed of the package

The box fell to fast and so it doesn’t meet the criteria because it bounces too far out. According to the data on drop 0 (A) the box fell 75cm away from the centre. this is out of our 50 cm from the middle criteria. On the drop 0 (B) it dropped 100cm from the middle. 2x more than the criteria. Then on the final drop 0 (C), it dropped 50 cm from the middle, Due to the criteria, it was a little too close. as you can see most of the time the box drops too fast it bounces out of the 50 cm radius that we have set up. so, this is a thing that we need to change when we put a parachute to slow the speed so, so this project is about creating a parachute that will slow the speed of a box falling. But I am working on how the shape and size of the spill hole will affect the acracy and sot ness of the landing? I and my team’s criteria are very simple but can put some pressure on how we make this parachute. like the landing force of one newton, how are we supposed to measure this? ` But on the other side having a 50cm from the middle is very use full to the project. The next step to meet the design criteria will be to make the box fall slower.



Door Decoration Reflection

The biggest challenge getting all of the holes cut out of the door. This was challenging because you needed to get all of the right measurement and fitting than on there without ripping the paper. This was very had because you needed your measurement exactly on so when you dry fit it would not fit than you would have to go back do it again. Skills that I learned or developed were my measuring skills because I had to go back to the door twice to get some new measurements. I have recently tested my measuring skill and gotten a bit better. If I did this again, one thing I would do differently is my partner (how shall not be named) didn’t show up for the sessions after school and did barely nothing didn’t help allot only if I asked him to do something. For my designs they came out of my head, I saw nothing that appealed to me so I located some of my culters because this is around easter and like chines new year it is full of new biggings like blooming trees.

sketch 1
sketch 2
sketch 3


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