I would give myself a 7/10 because I want to be in control of my own life, do what I want to and like to do, and hold on to my individual dignity. I do not go to church, but sometimes I talk to the stars thinking that they are the people that died. I believe that people aside from the really rich could become great, but reality says otherwise because if you grew up on a farm in a really poor family then the chances that you would move to the city after college or even going to college are slim, very slim. But for the rich, even if you don’t have grades as good as other people, your parents could afford to help you with a lot of things, therefore filling up all the good jobs. I mentioned that I don’t go to church, but in China, we don’t vote so it’s not like in America where we get to vote, although we all live under the government, and people go to church willingly. I am not interested in a classical culture like their architecture, literature, etc, but I know there is a classical culture in the world.