I have employed a range of language techniques appropriate for the elements of fiction in my creative pieces. I have also developed a good understanding of how to analyze these techniques, and it’s effects on the reader. In my creative writing journal, I created and crafted a thoughtful response to the techniques I used. I need to work on language.  Grammar in my pieces was not deployed well. To improve, I would need to really take in the time and effort to thoroughly edit my work. I could use websites such as grammar to help me in this.  I could have also asked Dr Maloney for help on my reflection as this project was not timed in class. I noticed that in my common vertical, I also didn’t score very high in grammar. I believe I could use also use IXL to improve my grammar on top of using these websites. Additionally, I definitely need to be reading more. Through reading, I can be exposed to more authors who use different techniques in writing. This can help me annotate the writing more insightfully.