1. Who am I?
Who is your character? Identify all the details: name/age, physical traits, relatives, education, personal opinions, likes, dislikes, hobbies, fears, ethics, and beliefs.
I am Jinny-– a tenth grader teen who hasn’t found anything I have excelled at anything: I have below-average grades, I’m ‘ugly’, I have no friends to the point where I can distinctly remember a guy who smiled at me in first-grade. I have parents, but they aren’t supportive of me, and I disrespect them. All these make me view myself as nothing. That I am a mere background character in life that nobody cares about. Because I envy everyone who has something, and with all these things happening at once, I am psychotic and desperate for change.
2. What time is it?
The year, the season, the day, the minute. What is the significance of time?
October, fall. The significance is that fall and October is commonly associated with death and demons. For example, it relates to Halloween holidays, such as scarecrows, natural decay of plants, hibernation, and flu season. This contributes to the theme as it provides a rationale for Elizabeth making a deal with the demon at this time. It foreshadows that something demon/wrong will happen because of its ‘scary season setting.’
Set in the 2021 century: determines the way the character talks
3. Where am I?
Identify the country, the city/town, the neighbourhood, the building, the room, the specific area of the room.
I’m in my crush’s backyard in Saint Claire, where we had our first encounter. They live in a neighbourhood where it “pays to know stuff’.
4. What surrounds me?
What is happening in the environment around you? Weather, landscape, people, animate/inanimate objects.
Nobody. I was surrounded by nobody but myself in the past. I had no friends but Chris to smile at me occasionally. I am in my crush’s backyard. I am surrounded by a double date set up: There’s a table with an awkwardly placed tablecloth, snacks, and juice boxes. I imagine it to be cloudy, humid, chilly, and dark. I suspect that Chris tried to make it look romantic with candles and umbrellas, but it just looks poorly done and awkwardly placed—like an abandoned playground. We imagine that when Ray and Felicia come, it’s sunset. Then when Jinny comes, the sun has fully set, and it’s dark.
5. What are the given circumstances?
Identify events in the past, present, future. What has happened, what is happening, what is going to happen?
Past: Chris has given Elizabeth an invite to his 7th birthday party on accident, and Elizabeth thinks that he has a crush on her. Elizabeth then proceeds to be obsessed with Chris, sending him valentine cards and more, latching on to him as her only source of emotional support.
Present: Elizabeth is fed up being a nobody, so makes a deal with the devil to be someone and have the perfect year to herself on the condition that she dies at the end of the year. Right now, she is attempting to persuade Chris to be her boyfriend to make her perfect year even more perfect. To achieve so, she hollows out the soul of Chris’s friends, who are trying to stop her. This enrages Chris, so she does the same and takes his soul too.
Future: Elizabeth lives on getting what she wants for an entire year. She probably goes for all the other boys who shows interest in her.
6. What are my relationships?
This is more than your relationship with other people. Think about your relationship to objects, characters, and events.
Chris: Chris is Elizabeth’s crush. She loves him and latches on to him as her mental support, thinking that he only cares about her. However, later their relationship turns into her thinking. Chris betrays her as she finds out that that is not the case.
Felicia: I envy her. She’s close with Chris and was everything I was not: she was pretty, had a boyfriend, and had many friends. I wanted to be her or at least her friend, but neither was the case. I also scorned her because of her. I was nothing. It felt as though I wasn’t worth her time even. I also killed her boyfriend and her, so the relationship is quite complex in the sense that this one-sided hate ultimately balances out.
Chris: Chris viewed me like everyone else, a little nobody, and hence I hated him
The birthday party: It was the first time where I felt valued and wanted.
7. What do I want?
What do you want immediately? What does the character want overall?
I want to have something worth living for: to feel wanted, to feel worth it, to feel envied. The path that I cross doing so is wanting to get my crush to like me back.
8. What is in my way?
What are the obstacles to getting what you want?
I’m ‘ugly’, I have no friends, I have parents, but they aren’t supportive of me. All these make me view myself as nothing. That I am a mere background character in life that nobody cares about. Therefore, people can’t notice me.
To get Chris, what stands in my way are his friends. They are the ones that are swaying his opinions to not be with me.
9. What do I do to get what I want?
What actions do you take (both physically and verbally)? What tactics?
I trade my life and two others to get the traits to make me somebody and noticed. Then, to get Chris, I tried convincing him, seducing him, manipulating him, threatening him with his friend and his life, and killing his friends.
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