
"kept your face towards the sunlight and the shadow will always fall behind you."-Walt Whitman

Tag: English

Independent Story Progress

I have finished the Handmaid’s Tale and feel that it is indeed a brilliant piece of literature with a unique writing style.  It’s definitely a book I could consider for my end of year essay project. I’ve begun to read a chapter or two of other books such as The Martian and The Enterprise of Death, however, I haven’t really gotten into them. Still, I acknowledge that the authors in both of these books have used effective literary techniques in their stories. As for my progress, it’s slightly slow. I haven’t done much outside-of-school reading as I would like. I’ll have to read more in my spare time to do this.

Rap of the Boxer POV Rebellion

Following historical tradition, the winners of wars always tell the tale, consequently, the Boxers resulted in a bad reputation as they were opponents of the Westerners(the winners) – however, I would argue the contrary. From the Boxer’s POV (point of view), they are justified for their behaviors as a reaction to the exploitation of foreigners. China had spent years suffering, keeled under the weight of the Opium War and other foreign influences. This eventually forced China to sign treaties favoring the foreigners – following to not only wealth desperations, but a flood of ethnocentric missionaries attempting to convert the Chinese into Christians. This suffering is the origin of the Boxers. Like other countries throughout history faced with colonization, they engaged in varying forms of resistance and adaptation to colonial rule. The Boxer’s behavior derived from attempts to preserve their traditional values and the accumulation of difficulties from negative foreign influences (wealth, religion, land, etc). On top of that, natural disasters such as floods and drought led to hardships. Naturally, boxers viewed foreigners as the root of their issues, in the case of both cultural and general hardships, rationalizing their motives for the rebellion. Should the boxers have a bad reputation when their intentions were to defend their culture and remove hardships? From the Boxer’s perspective, no. However, that is a valid question

Ahead of time- Hermia

Hermia, one of the lead roles of Shakespeare’s play, A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, isn’t the classical damsel in distress of her period. As a woman, she defies her society’s hierarchy as a self-asserted and individualistic character. She’s an exception from the crowd of her era, intriguing me to analyze her for this magazine cover task.

Why the picture?
The cover picture possessed an opinionated expression, like Hermia projecting her opinions of marriage. Also, throughout the play, in the context of Greek mythology, Hermia is regarded as fair, beauteous, and love attractive. Merging the two, the appearance of Hermia could be comparable to Aphrodite’s– the goddess of love and beauty.

What are you proud of?
From the color scheme to the choice of font, the overall aesthetic of the cover symbolizes elegance and sophistication. I’m considerably satisfied with the design of the magazine cover.

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