Sorry we forgot to take videos and pictures of the actual robot.

A part

1. The most difficult part of the project was when we have to attach the servo on to the side of the mouth. It was hard because we didn’t want to damage the Servo but we had to put hot glue on the servo. The Servo was also hard to attach because it had to be measure precisely and be glue on the cardboard sideways.-

2. The most enjoyable part of the project was when we finished the alligator and when it functioned. It was so exciting and happy to see the servo move regularly and function. We also had a feeling of” Finally!” In our thoughts.

3. I did well on making the servo and the hummingbird connecting together and working properly. Also, I did pretty well on the code part and the structure of the alligator.

4. I would paint and make the whole structure look nicer and cleaner. This is because our project now is very dirty and unorganized. It looks like everything is made and painted very roughly and without quality. So next time I would improve the quality of the alligator.

B part

1. I learn that fashion and style are not important in the process of making a working robot. The style and the colors, decorations come after everything is working and built. If the majority of the time is spent coloring and decorating, then the time to do the important things(servos, codes, structure) would be less. In addition, causing the work to be delayed or unfinished(not working)

2. When I was programming the robot, I learned that sometimes it is the hardware that isn’t working causing the whole robot to not work. Every time my robot does not function properly, I always think It’s my fault that I did the code incorrectly. But it was actually the battery pack’s problem; it was out of juice. As a result, I learned that I don’t always think I am the problem, I am always wrong.

3. I would like to learn about how to create a code that could let the robot be controllable with a remote controller. That way the robot would be more fun to play with and much more interesting to build.


My advice, recombination: Focus and try to finish the code first, then work on the body or the decoration of the robot.