After completing the first formative Socratic Seminar:
I believe one area of strength I demonstrated during the formative seminar was to maintain the steady “flow” of the discussion. I somewhat led the conversation in an appropriate way and encouraged others to speak, I was also able to respectfully guide and assist others while simultaneously delivering my own opinions.
An area of improvement would be to use and discuss more literary terminologies, mentioning the greater effects it leads to and the connection to the real/Indian world. Specifically, in the third checkmark of criterion B, one of the major goals for next time would be to demonstrate a more in-depth and “detailed understanding of [the] effects [of the literary techniques/terms] on the reader/audience.” To achieve this, I would pay close attention to the contextual background behind these terminologies as seen through selected quotes and will connect them to Sherman Alexie’s childhood life & Junior’s Indian reservation, further showing the effects that they lead through evidence from the novel and literary analysis.
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